The baggage

Feel that weight on your soul?  The overall malaise of life sucking the joy out of your day, robbing the preciousness of relationships?  Do you wonder why you feel this?  It is the baggage of your life which you have been lugging around behind you.  Every slight committed against you, every snub, lost promotion, all […]

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Setting the Goal

All the books about success tell us to set a goal and work unswervingly toward that goal to achieve success.  They tell us to accept nothing but exactly what we want or we are failures waiting to happen.  Now I ask you, in your career, or in your life how many times have you set

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We say to ourselves no one likes to be bored. We have been reminded many times that “Idle hands are the devils playground.” We have come to believe we are slacking off when we want to take time to listen to ourselves, to relax, to enjoy our family or friends.  For just a moment consider how we

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The Whirlwind

Everyday, life offers us so many opportunities to get distracted from what is truly important in our lives.  The busyness of our work, the demands of supporting our families, those things which come up which affect us emotionally, even our concern about how our bodies look can become part of the whirlwind.  Ironically we do

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The new understanding

I mentioned Wednesday how I got a new understanding about my book It’s All About Me, and how the Involved  Observer process works, even after working with it for almost two years before publication, and I want to share it with you.  In the IO process we ask ourselves why something is bothering us.  We

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I Know it All!

OK, so here is a guy who spends two years writing a book, It’s All About Me, the Involved Observer.  The book gets published, and he starts doing workshops around the material.  Imagine his surprise when, he sits down with a group in Akron, Ohio to do the workshop and he learns there is an entirely

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Lack and Limitation

I come from Southern California where we are in a severe water situation.  At least once a month, it seems, we are told the gas prices are going up because of one thing or another, we deal with rolling power shortages frequently too.  You may not be from SoCal, but I am certain that somewhere

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Time makes me crazy

Once again I am spending my week in Akron, Ohio as part of the All American Soap Box Derby.  This week is incredibly time focused week.  Events are scheduled very tightly and each is essential in some way.  Sound familiar?  This week is so hectic I actually loose sight of what day it is! This

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The gift

There you are, handing over a gift to someone.  This gift has been carefully selected, thought about and given with love.  Then the receipient turns around and gives it to someone else or simply sets it aside.  You are devistated, or maybe even angry.  “How can they do that?” you ask. They can do that

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Drinking the Poison

Friday I wrote about disharmony and the poison it brings into our lives.  Today I want to look at other sources of that same type of poison which rots our insides and leaves almost no impression on the person who is the focus of that disharmony. UNFORGIVENESS: One of the most common poisons to which we

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