Time makes me crazy

Once again I am spending my week in Akron, Ohio as part of the All American Soap Box Derby.  This week is incredibly time focused week.  Events are scheduled very tightly and each is essential in some way.  Sound familiar?  This week is so hectic I actually loose sight of what day it is!

This time craziness is all around us, the funny thing is that when we complete the assigned activities we look back and wonder why we got so crazy about all the noise.  

If we could remember this realization the next time the whilwind of craziness starts to swirl, how much easier our lives would be.  We could move from meeting to meeting in a calm, controlled mindset, bringing clarity of thought to each event, we could move through dozens of activities each day, and not be exhausted.  Wouldn’t that be great?

Well we can do exactly that!  You see no matter how many meetings or demands we have on our plates we can only work one moment at a time.  Our power is in this moment.  If we commit ourselves to doing what we can do RIGHT NOW, release what we cannot do right now, and be fully present for this moment we step into true IN-powerment.  Everything will happen, we will be fully prepared to do all we have to do if we do not allow ourselves to get caught up in the craziness of time. Plus, when we finish our day, we will not be so exhausted that we cannot enjoy the gift of our friends and family.

In Think Believe Receive, my first book we look at being in the moment and how to be fully present, check it out!

Think Believe Receive