It’s their lesson

One of the most difficult things we have to do, especially as parents, is watch someone we love learn a lesson.  We want those we love to have only positive  experiences as they go through life, so we want to meddle.  We want to ease their way, but sometimes the best thing we can do […]

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Forgiving myself

I am in the process of forgiving myself for not posting three blogs last month.  Over the years I have been pretty good at maintaining that pace of writing, but last week, well, there were airplanes, relationship things to maintain and post vacation fatigue.  As I look at this explanation I realize these were simply

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Before you speak

Thinking before I speak has long been one of the things I have had on “to-do” list.  There are times my foot has been in my mouth so long it is starting to prune!  As usual, when I write these missives I am speaking as much, if not more so, to myself. Some “before you

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Myths make life fun

Long before we became slaves to the internet, myths filled our lives with stories, information and entertainment. This morning as I took my predawn stroll along the seashore of Kona I saw a shooting star.  Honestly I don’t remember the last time I saw a shooting star; it could be I have just been to

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Fitting in

Fitting-in is the primary motivator of so many people; to the point that they forget who they are and what they believe.  I know that as a parent, just as my own parents did about me, I worry that my own children will forsake what is right to fit-in. The power of not fitting-in Why

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Generosity changes us

Our own generosity changes who we are.  It makes us more appreciative of our own ability to give, our own prosperity, our own kindness.  As we come to appreciate who and what we are, we have a better feeling about ourselves, which lifts our self esteem.  I am certain you can appreciate how this would

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Just because I am Spiritual

I know that some people think that being Spiritual is the same as being religious.  They think being Spiritual means being blissed-out all the time, or having a strict, inflexible code of behavior I want everyone to follow.  Please allow me to attempt to dissuade you from that belief. What being Spiritual is Being Spiritual

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Every home has its sorrow

Every home has its sorrow.  We might not be able to see it from our vantage point, things may look just fine.  In fact, we may find ourselves a little envious of other people.  The way they seem to have everything under control, but the things we don’t know about their lives! Envy not Because

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Ghosts and Hugs

According to my good friend Terry Hall, the Stoic Medium, “Ghosts give sucky hugs.”  This colorful phrase came about after his Father in Law made his transition.  But what does this mean to you and me? Making the most of today Put simply we will all, one day, reach the end of our physical lives.

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Learn from the trees

Trees have so much to teach us, if we just stop and think about them.  This time of year many of us are enjoying as the first bright colors of fall appear in the foliage.  Soon we may be cursing the gift of leaves the trees have given us as we rake them up, but

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