Just because I am Spiritual

I know that some people think that being Spiritual is the same as being religious.  They think being Spiritual means being blissed-out all the time, or having a strict, inflexible code of behavior I want everyone to follow.  Please allow me to attempt to dissuade you from that belief.

What being Spiritual is

Being Spiritual means having an awareness of the indwelling God.  It means holding myself to the highest standards of words and actions I can at any given moment.  It means recognizing that everyone and every thing is connected because we are all of the same Divine Source.  For myself, perhaps the key aspect is holding myself accountable for all that I do, think or say, no one else.

What being Spiritual is  not

Most of all what it is not, is telling others how they should run their own lives.  My personal beliefs are mine, yours are yours.  You are on the perfect path for you at this moment, so how can I judge how you behave and think.  The ideas are incompatible.

Accepting does not mean condoning

Being Spiritual does not necessarily mean I like what is going on around me.  I am very uncomfortable with those people who promote hate or discrimination.  I disagree with those who place profits before people.  I have even been known to join a protest or two in my time, write letters supporting organizations that are working to help bring peace.  I firmly believe no one, regardless of their title or position, should demean another person.  Being Spiritual means recognizing that sometimes the call to action to support higher and more inclusive actions requires us to stand up and point out the missed opportunity to be more loving.

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?  Read Think, Believe, Receive by clicking on the cover below and discover where you stand, and why.