
Who Am I?

The question is; how do we define ourselves?  Do we define ourselves by how many people we have charmed?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry or our responsibilities? Do we define ourselves by our jobs, our cars, our homes, our income? None of these definitions truly answer the question “Who Am I?” […]

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Purifying Fire

There are many species of trees and plants which drop seeds that cannot begin new growth without an intensive fire to open them and allow them to grow.  It is easy to look at forest fires and range fires as being needlessly destructive, until we recognize the positive effects of fire. The same is true

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The Unfiltered Heart

The Unfiltered Heart comes from learning to understand that everyone who comes to your attention, everyone who comes through your life, is there for a purpose.  That purpose is to be part of you becoming what you have set as your goal.  They are there in answer to your prayers, dreams, hopes and every thought

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A Time to Rest

As we jump into 2017 many of us have made plans, lots of plans for what this year will bring.  We have made plans to do, do, do things, things, things.  As IN-powering as this may be sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is…..nothing.   As we do, do, do we must take

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Yes, I’m Older

As I often say, “They give you youth, the rest you have to earn.”   So, yes, I am older in years than I was even yesterday.  This means I have a choice; I can look at life  and say “I have lived so long I know it all”, or I can say “I have lived

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It’s Coming True!

2017!  And all your dreams are ready to come true, but those dreams will not be delivered on a silver platter.  You must actively participate in their manifestation.  I have written often about the Universe, or God or All There Is being ready, willing and able to provide any and everything you desire, and this

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What’s in Store?

What is in store for 2017?  That is the question on most people’s minds, I think, right now.  I have done some contemplation and crystal ball gazing on this topic and I would like to share my insights about the coming year. Seventeen things 2017 will bring you; A deepening of your Spirit and Oneness

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I will survive

Although Donna Summer sang this song beautifully in the 70’s, it’s not much of a credo by which to live.  Have I mentioned in these blogs that words have power?  Do you want to just survive, or do you want to thrive?  It takes the same amount of energy to commit yourself to surviving the

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You are not there yet!

No matter how evolved your concept of the Universe, God, First Cause, All There Is, you have not even begun to grasp the full extent of its power and love of you. A five year old might think they have a total understanding of how the world works, and for that five year old, this

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What Have We Learned?

There is nothing which happens that does not have a positive lesson somewhere within.  This week in America is no exception.  So what have we learned?  We have hopefully learned that the so-called experts in politics know little, if anything, more than you and I know.  Time has moved on and they are living in

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