A Time to Rest

As we jump into 2017 many of us have made plans, lots of plans for what this year will bring.  We have made plans to do, do, do things, things, things.  As IN-powering as this may be sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is…..nothing.  

As we do, do, do we must take time to allow what we have learned and experienced to find a place in our beings.  We must take a breath and see how those experiences and learning have changed our lives otherwise it all becomes a blur and what we might have learned fades away into the background noise of life.

As we move into this pivotal year of 2017, some of us with great anticipation, some of us with great trepidation about what will happen on the national scene, the international playground as well as what is within ourselves, we want to remind ourselves that while the Universe is unlimited, we humans have a finite capacity to embody information and make that information useful to us.  The rest I speak of might be a week or two on Maui (Aloha) in a beach chair watching the whales play, or it might be a few minutes a day in contemplation and meditation (ohm).   Either way, taking time to embody what is going on in and around our lives is the most powerful tool we have to prevent information overload.  Information overload encourages us to make poor choices and negatively impacts our physical well-being.

If you are planning for 2017, please make one of your plans to rest, relax and listen to your inner guidance.

Think Believe Receive