
How do I love me?

Is there someone special in your life? Someone who is the focus of the upcoming Valentines Day celebration?  Or, are you one of the many people for whom love is simply an interesting concept which one day might find its way into your life?    You may think these two groups are totally different, one having someone, […]

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Ask what you want

What would you like to hear someone say to you today? A good friend of mine named Ashtar gave me this process specifically to pass along to you so that you might experience this joy.   Step one, when you get up in the morning, decide what you would like to hear said to you today.

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Messages of Love

Is there anything more wonderful in our lives than love?  Is there anything more difficult in our lives than love?  Love is one of the most difficult of emotions/experiences we humans have, for the simple reason that we tend to overthink the whole thing and miss the point. Love can be an experience; by this

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What we say and what we do

Every thing you want is yours for the having.  Everything.  If you want romance and passion, it is yours to experience in the most delightful ways.  If you want a high paying, emotionally filling job, it is waiting for you right now.  If you want to travel and experience the wonders of this wonderful country,

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To love Myself

Sure, what else are you going to expect from a guy who titles his book It’s All About Me?- but let me ask you this; do you love yourself?  Do you love yourself enough to stop being a victim of life?  Do you love yourself enough to do healthful things in your life?  Do you love

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Good or Bad?

Is taking time to read this blog good or bad?  Is your boss good or bad?  Is the relationship you are in good or bad? Was the traffic on the way to work today good or bad?  Was your choice to change your workplace or relationship good or bad? The truth is now, and always

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United in Harmony

No, we are not going to sit around the campfire and sing ” Michael rowed the boat ashore.” What we are going to do is realize every positive relationship we have is one which is united in harmony, or united in love.  When we relate to others from the perspective of respect and honor, we are

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Decorate your cell

I heard the inspiring Revered Guy Williams speak this weekend.  He always gives me food for thought, and this time it was a line he used which seems so perfect as we think about our lives: “Just because you decorate your cell, does not mean you are free.” Now this may not be original to

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Round Peg, Round Hole

You know this phrase, it means that the person chosen for a task is perfectly suited to that task.  Round peg, square hole means we are trying to force an issue  or person to conform to a shape it was never intended to fill. Do you ever feel like a round peg in a square

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You are right again!

“I just knew that would happen!” “I knew it wasn’t going to work.”  Have you ever heard yourself saying things like this?  You got to be right again, isn’t that great?  The thing is, most of the time we say these things, we are saying them about things not working out successfully.  We say these things when

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