How do I love me?

Is there someone special in your life? Someone who is the focus of the upcoming Valentines Day celebration?  Or, are you one of the many people for whom love is simply an interesting concept which one day might find its way into your life?    You may think these two groups are totally different, one having someone, the other not having someone, but they are more alike than you might imagine.  You see, it doesn’t matter if there is someone in your life right now, or you are still shopping, the one common factor is that we must love ourselves for any relationship to work.  

To experience true happiness we cannot be looking to someone else to complete us; we must know our own value, know that we are created with every thing we could desire to experience happiness.  No other person can complete us, although the right person can truly support us in love.  In a balanced relationship each party brings to the relationship traits which enhance the other.   Romantic love is delightful, but it seldom stands the test of time.  Erotic love can make our eyes sparkle and shine, but sooner or later even the most energetic parings tire of each other.  Relationships which are built on dependency sooner or later run aground because someone will cease to support the other.  What is left?  The relationship which begins with respect for each other, and grows from there.  I recommend another component; that of spiritual compatibility, I can honestly say I had not previously understood how essential this is to true happiness, but believe me, it adds an amazing element to life.

If you love yourself going in, and the other person also loves themselves, magical things will come to grow as you team up.  Give yourself a treat; ask yourself, How Do I Love Me?  Then find someone else who has similar answers. 

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