
Shells in Time

We may be walking around experiencing life, but that does not mean we are living life.  Many people are simply Shells in Time, taking meaning from other peoples lives, letting the beliefs of others define who and what they are.  Living, but not alive.  Choicefull Living Seminars is committed to helping us out of this limbo of life; […]

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Shifting responsibility

When we are “shifting responsibility”  it means trying to place blame on someone else through carefully crafted wordsmithing.  Call it what you wish, placing the blame on someone else to get us off the hook is bad ju-ju.   Look around you, you know someone in your circle who is very skilled at shirking responsibility for

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Roadblock Ahead!

There you are, moving along toward your goal, everything is coming up roses, you feel great about life.  Suddenly it all comes to a halt, you have hit a roadblock.  I am experiencing just such a roadblock at this moment getting my next book (Bear and Butterfly) ready for print.  Until now things have been going

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The Unfiltered Heart

The Unfiltered Heart comes from learning to understand that everyone who comes to your attention, everyone who comes through your life, is there for a purpose.  That purpose is to be part of you becoming what you have set as your goal.  They are there in answer to your prayers, dreams, hopes and every thought

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A Time to Rest

As we jump into 2017 many of us have made plans, lots of plans for what this year will bring.  We have made plans to do, do, do things, things, things.  As IN-powering as this may be sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is…..nothing.   As we do, do, do we must take

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Surround Yourself

What do you surround yourself with?  Do you surround yourself with possibility, joy, oneness, or something else?  Do you surround yourself with those who support your vision for your life, your dreams and hopes?  When we do surround ourselves with those who support us as we make our way through life we are one step closer

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Planting Seeds

Most of us want to change our lives in one way or another; some are huge changes, some are just “tweeking,” but very few of us have everything in our lives exactly the way we have visioned.  Too often we grow frustrated that said changes have not occurred, or not occurred so we can see

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The Politics of Love

Have you ever considered that when we vote we are best off coming from a place of Love?  Think about it, if you love someone you do not find yourself saying “I love you because you are the lesser of two evils” or “I will love you because because I really don’t like that other

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Words to consider

“When it comes to theory, I’m mostly leary, it is what I feel that is mostly real.” These words were spoken to me today on the island of Molokai by a tour guide named Keihi.  I give full credit to him, but I think its worth thinking about.  No matter what is going on in

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