
The root of suffering

According to Buddha the root of all suffering is attachment.  Many people have the mistaken impression that attachment is limited to being attached to our material things, but it is more wide ranging. What is suffering? Suffering is that mental anguish which accompanies the drama of life.  Drama is the after effect of trying to […]

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Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned

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On being humble

How best to approach a blog on being humble?  We might begin with the standard dictionary definition: A) not proud or haughty.  B) Reflecting, expressing or offered in a spirit of diffidence or submission.  To my thinking neither of these definitions reflect the broader and true meaning. To be Humble For me the true definition

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Covid Hangover

Now that so many of us are being vaccinated one issue remains to be faced; the Covid Hangover. The Covid Hangover in action I remember when the shut-down began, just as you do.  I was in Japan with my beautiful bride Terrie who was just beginning her Spring Tour as Lady Ashtar.  The U S

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The binary life

The binary life has two choices; something is good, or something is bad. This is such a limiting way to live. Consider, if you will, a rose. A hybrid rose has had all the “imperfections” bred out of it. Each is an exact duplicate of the next and they are indeed beautiful. Now, look in

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Peaceful, not calm

Is there a difference between being peaceful and being calm?  It may be a fine point, but yes, there is a difference. Being calm Life is messy.  Life is challenging.  Life calls us to respond to all manner of input on less than a moment’s notice.  Is it any wonder that often our lives cannot

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Putting it all together

Life is like a picture puzzle.  We have a bunch of pieces in front of us, but no picture of what the whole puzzle should look like.  Piece by piece we assemble the pieces we have until they are all in place.  This is a cause for celebration!  We finally have it all together. Then

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Worry, worry, worry

We worry, oh yes we do!  What will others think, what will others do, what will I do, what if this doesn’t work!  One the things we as humans do best is to worry.  Some people actually define their lives by how much worry they do.  If they do not do enough, they feel they

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Am I good enough

Our insecurities come through at the most amazing times.  This past week I attended a convention of people in the wedding industry; planners, DJ’s event site people and of course Wedding Officiants.  As an Ordained Minister it has been my honor to perform ceremonies for many, many couples over the years, yet here I was

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It’s their lesson

One of the most difficult things we have to do, especially as parents, is watch someone we love learn a lesson.  We want those we love to have only positive  experiences as they go through life, so we want to meddle.  We want to ease their way, but sometimes the best thing we can do

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