Looking for a miracle

Are you looking for a miracle right now?  Where are you looking?  Do you think the age of miracles has passed? Take a moment and think about that breath you just took.  The air comes in your face, goes to your lungs and oxygenates your blood.  If you just put air in your blood it […]

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Am I Being Tested?

My car won’t start, I am late for work, the coffee machine broke, I lost the key to the restroom, the client cancelled, my afternoon went in the dumper, I don’t have the money to pay the bills.  Am I being tested?  Is someone or something trying to find out just how much I can

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Few emotions rob us of our sense of well-being more than the feeling of powerlessness.  When we feel we are not in control of our lives, when we feel we have no choice about what we are doing we loose our identity.  But there is good news, you always have a choice. Having choice in

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Take a deep breath!

Is the world closing in on you?  Are things happening too quickly to keep track?  Do you feel like you just want to scream sometimes?  Take a deep breath! Every interaction we have is based in vibration.  Some people come to us with vibrations so powerful they can overwhelm us; sometimes it is just that

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Our memories are fiction

Yes, our memories are fiction; fiction created by our minds to reconcile our experiences with our ability to perceive.  When I think back to my early childhood I have a limited number of memories.  I remember wandering free in our neighborhood, going to the Swan Boats in Boston with a neighbor, watching Godzilla on a

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Healing begins with the heart

When the heart is present clearly in ourselves it flavors all things we do.  Everything. On our recent trip my lady and I stopped into a restaurant for our mid day meal.  Each of us ordered simple dishes; Terrie a Cesar Salad, I ordered a hamburger.  It took over 25 minutes for our food to arrive

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Chasing Time

I don’t know how many hours I have wasted worrying about time.  Worrying about then I will get there, where the waiter is, why my order has not arrived, and will anyone come back on the line when I am calling for support. Yes, it is indeed wasted energy because the truth is things will

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Your Magnificence

We are taught, by well meaning people to be sure, that when someone gives us praise such as “you are so beautiful” or “you have a knack for this” that we are to decline the praise.  We are taught that it is considered egotistical to say something like “yes, I am beautiful” even though we

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Walking the Path

How often have you heard someone question if they are on the right path for their life?  This is such a huge question; how DO we know that what we have chosen to do is indeed the right path for us?  There are some clues; if you have to struggle to meet the day, you

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Whose the boss?

Just who are you trying to please?  In other words, who is your boss?  Are you working to please someone else, or does your motivation come from trying to please yourself?    If we find ourselves trying to please others we will often be disappointed. This is where the phrase “what have you done for

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