Surround Yourself

What do you surround yourself with?  Do you surround yourself with possibility, joy, oneness, or something else?  Do you surround yourself with those who support your vision for your life, your dreams and hopes?  When we do surround ourselves with those who support us as we make our way through life we are one step closer […]

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Planting Seeds

Most of us want to change our lives in one way or another; some are huge changes, some are just “tweeking,” but very few of us have everything in our lives exactly the way we have visioned.  Too often we grow frustrated that said changes have not occurred, or not occurred so we can see

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Have you noticed that when you say something like “I am tired” what you feel is that you are even more tired?  If you say “I am fat” all you can see about yourself is fatness?  How about when you say “I am ready to go.”  Your energy is higher, your outlook is brighter.  “I

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The funk

For the most part I am a very happy guy.  You have probably picked-up from these blogs that I like to live from possible and see the positive in all things.  True, and true, but last night I fell into a funk.  My beloved said something to me which was both true and very loving, but

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Stop Thinking!

No, don’t stop thinking forever, just stop thinking about the wrong things.  This weekend I was stuck in miles and miles and miles of traffic; hours worth.  I found myself getting quite perturbed, as you might imagine.  What saved me from becoming a two minute segment on the TV news about road rage was my realization

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Where there is no trail

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote; Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.”  Ponder that for a moment or two, what does it mean to you?   For me it means recognizing that I may not be everyones cup of tea, heck I am certain

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Thanks Giving

 Do you do the tradition where just before you dig into the mounds and mounds of food on the Thanksgiving table you go around the group and say something for which you are thankful?  Have you ever felt like a deer in the headlights when it is your turn to say your part?  Perhaps you

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Hell is the place…..

Hell is the place where you get everything you want.  Heaven is the place you get everything you need. Before you go all Biblical on me, consider this thought; what if you did live in a place where your every wish was met; where every time you put a quarter in a slot machine you

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Mental Hygiene

Through our years on this planet we have thought many thoughts, been taught many things, and believed many others.  Some of these thoughts no longer serve us well, yet there they are; buried in our subconscious, still acting out as if they were our real beliefs today, even if we would scream in denial if

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You are not there yet!

No matter how evolved your concept of the Universe, God, First Cause, All There Is, you have not even begun to grasp the full extent of its power and love of you. A five year old might think they have a total understanding of how the world works, and for that five year old, this

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