
A victim is one who spends the greatest portion of their time living in their past.  A victim defines themselves by their past; their experiences, their hurts (real and imagined) trying to come to grips with the question: why? As a victim, perhaps the greatest challenge is keeping the pain of the past alive.  A […]

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Once again I urge you to be aware of what is going on in our country today, but be easy with the events because through this seeming chaos comes change. As uncomfortable as this time might be we know we are going through a profound time of change, and change is seldom a comfortable experience.

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Don’t be afraid to love

Romance is love, of course.  You may also feel love for your pets, your favorite food, car, vacation spot, your home, your children and siblings; love is all around us, expressing in so many wonderful ways.  What is there to be afraid of?  We may be afraid that displaying love is a sign of weakness.

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Finding a balance

Put a bunch of Bear Energy people together in one room and it is a beautiful thing; boisterous and physical to be sure, but still a beautiful thing.  Now, put a group of Butterfly Energy people in one room it is also beautiful; chattery and touchy, yet still beautiful.  Now, if you gather both the

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Energy meets energy

I have often made a point in these blogs that we are energy, each of us is energy.  To underscore this idea and perhaps make it a little easier to make part of your life, here is another example of this fact;   You walk into a room feeling just a little off, not necessarily

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Purpose in all things

I firmly believe there is a power in this Universe which brings us exactly what we ask for.  This, however does not mean what we get is what we thought we wanted.  If I ask for patience, the Universe does not necessarily bliss me out.  It far more likely gives me the opportunity to practice

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I will be happy when…

The rage we see displayed through the media today; the rage from people of all walks of life makes me think of this simple phrase: I will be happy when…  when what?  When all the Jews are gone?  Then who will we turn on.  When all the people of color are gone?  Then who will

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I have no choice

Have you ever heard yourself say “I have no choice, I have to do it”?  Try to remember how it feels when you say this to yourself, that you have no choice; very disempowering, isn’t it.  To have no choice means you are doing something against your will, and no one really wants to feel

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There is always more

Why is it so important to find a positive outlook on life?  Because there is always more, that’s why.  If you constantly see doom and misfortune around yourself, there is always more.  If you, on the other hand, constantly see love and joy around you, there is always more too. A balanced life does not

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The truth

When the truth, as we know it, is rocked to the core by an experience we are called to do some soul searching.  This is what happened to me yesterday as I visited the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan.  As I stood on ground zero for the first deployment of a nuclear weapon in the

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