Brian Graham

Because I’m Supposed To

Call me a rebel, it’s been done before; call me a non-conformist, it would not be the first time, also try; stubborn, resistant, independent, contrary, the list goes on an on, but I simply do not find satisfaction in things simply because someone tells me “I’m Supposed To”. Here is how I look at it: […]

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Morning People

In the follow-up book to Think, Believe, Receive, three steps to an amazing life, which is entitled It’s All About Me,  I write about why some people are morning people, and others are not morning people.  I suggest the most important difference between morning people and non-morning  people is that morning people are those who have allowed

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Forgive and Forget

Ya, right, forgive and forget, fat chance. Hold on now: forgiveness and forgetting are not the same thing at all.  Forgetting something which impacted you is both impossible, and undesirable.  Everything in our lives has brought us to the point we are now, yes, even those things we think were undesirable are part of who we are

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I am not feeling my best.

For some time now I have been offering my views on how we can live our lives more joyfully, in a more in-powered manner.  I guess one might get the idea that I view myself as perfect, and example to be emulated.  Well, that is simply not so.  I got a gentle reminder this weekend

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Keys to Happiness

On AOL the other night I read an article about the keys to success.  These keys could easily be part of one of my Choicefullivingseminars presentations.  All the essential aspects about our success and happiness begin with our way of thinking.  Is that too simple?  Do you want it to be more complicated?  Making it more complicated

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I am overloaded

Our attitude about what is happening in our lives is perhaps the most critical aspect of our happiness.  If we feel things are moving too fast, there is too much work to do, our lives are boring, our kids hate us, that is exactly what we will experience.  We set the stage for how we

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Celebrate Success

Your cubicle mate, your boss, your running partner, your next door neighbor, anyone around you, has gotten a promotion, a raise, or special recognition for something they have done.  You, on the other-hand, have been overlooked, ignored and unrecognized for your efforts. It might be hard to join them in celebration, and if you do join

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     For three days this past week it seemed there was not an electronic device I could safely touch.  E-mails did not go out as I thought, websites were unavailable, passwords ceased to work, I am pretty sure when I walked past my computer it said “don’t touch me”. Am I paranoid or just

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What If….

     You step into the street and a car misses you by less than a foot; you are driving along and another driver pulls in front of you unexpectedly, you are in the kitchen making dinner and drop a knife which lands right next to your foot.  All three of these things are examples

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