Celebrate Success

Your cubicle mate, your boss, your running partner, your next door neighbor, anyone around you, has gotten a promotion, a raise, or special recognition for something they have done.  You, on the other-hand, have been overlooked, ignored and unrecognized for your efforts. It might be hard to join them in celebration, and if you do join them in celebration, maybe your heart is not fully into the gesture.  Who could blame you?

As those of you who have been reading these blogs already know, we at Choiceful Living Seminars simply do not do blame.  We do recognize that at this moment we feel slighted, perhaps, but we do not blame ourselves or anyone else.

What we would suggest, when others get recognition and we do not, is to join completely in the celebration.  There is a very personal reason to do this: success breeds success.  If you associate with people who are earning the income you want to earn; associate with people who have the position you desire, spend quality time with those whose life experiences you wish to embody, you too will be setting yourself up for living your dreams.  If you want to become the Regional Manager it would be best to live in the atmosphere of a Regional Manager, rather than hanging with the cleaning crew.  

Other peoples success can help you manifest your own success if you celebrate their success.   

This and other thoughts about your In-Powerment are available in the upcoming book “It’s All About Me”.  Read a sample chapter and contribute to the publication of this book by going o: URL itsallaboutme.pubslush.com 

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