Brian Graham

You are the World

Today I participated in the final send-off of a dear friend of mine.  At times like this I think the most important realization we can embody is; how many people we impact in our daily lives.  It may seem sometimes that we go through life not making much of an impact on anything. That was the […]

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Last time we discussed expectations and how they can blow up in our faces.  There is a companion to expectations which is just as fraught with danger.  I speak of Assumptions.  If I assume you are going to do something: if I assume you understand what I just said: If I assume you are in

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Expectations are like opinions, we all have them. Too often we have them about and for other people.  The problem is, we do not share with them that they must live up to our expectation, or even what that expectation is! This, my friends leads us down the road to anger and discord.  How can I live

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Oh, just shut up!

It is time for that meeting you have been dreading.  The scheduled speaker brings to mind an especially uncomfortable dental procedure without benefit of anesthetic.  Not going will put your job in jeopardy, there is no way around the meeting, and standing up to shout “Oh, just shut up, well, that’s just a bad idea.

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Just what are we?

We, you and I, and every other creation is energy.  That energy vibrates at specific levels, which produces what we see as ourselves.  Because we are energy, we are subject to the ups and downs of energy supply, just like the power grid which supplies our homes.  Many of us have installed energy efficient lighting

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I’m Right, You’re Wrong

Start out a conversation, or a negotiation with these words or this thought in your mind and you start out with a fight.  You may even be right, they indeed may be wrong, but you see, there is this principle of resistance in the Universe which comes into play anytime we try to make anyone

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I wish I were…..

I wish I were…(add the thing or things you wish you were here) is one of the most destructive ideas we can put in our own heads.  Why? Because in saying “I wish I were smarter”, for instance, we convince ourselves we are not smart at all, and this is not true.  “I wish I

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It’s All About Me

Claiming that It’s All About Me at first blush may seem to be the most egocentric posture one can adopt, no question about it.  But, It’s All About Me is about recognizing that we are not victims, powerless peons surviving day-by-day, unless we choose to have that experience.  Even then, ironically, we will be demonstrating to

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Why is this Bugging Me?

Too often we do not have the opportunity to ask this question before we lash out at someone.  The reason we are “bugged” by people and situations goes back to our training.  Yes, we as humans are trained.  We are trained to make us less difficult to manage!  We can go into that at another

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Is Forgiveness enough?

 Earlier I wrote about the idea of Forgive and Forget.  As I look back on that blog which is available at, I realize there is another step which we must consider in the forgiveness process. You see, if we do choose to forgive someone for doing something we did not like, or approve of,

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