Brian Graham

Mental Hygiene

Through our years on this planet we have thought many thoughts, been taught many things, and believed many others.  Some of these thoughts no longer serve us well, yet there they are; buried in our subconscious, still acting out as if they were our real beliefs today, even if we would scream in denial if […]

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You are not there yet!

No matter how evolved your concept of the Universe, God, First Cause, All There Is, you have not even begun to grasp the full extent of its power and love of you. A five year old might think they have a total understanding of how the world works, and for that five year old, this

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Who is our Tribe?

Tribes are not limited to Native Americans, we all have Tribes of some kind.  These Tribes shift, blend, disappear then re-emerge as needed.  As events unfold in and around our lives we find ourselves identifying with one Tribe or another.  This  may a Tribe which is cheering for a High School football team, or, like

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What Have We Learned?

There is nothing which happens that does not have a positive lesson somewhere within.  This week in America is no exception.  So what have we learned?  We have hopefully learned that the so-called experts in politics know little, if anything, more than you and I know.  Time has moved on and they are living in

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 No matter how your favorite candidate or proposition did on the ballot yesterday it is time for peace.  Peace which comes from knowing that no matter what our thoughts are, we are simply one beautiful part of a wonderful process.  Friends of mine visited Cuba recently and were met with stunned expressions as they explained

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Its So Precious

During the past couple years I have often written about how you and your positive energy can help turn someone elses day around.  Today I was reminded by two wonderful people how my own day can be turned around when I accept their gifts of love. First I reminded by Reverend Dr. Abigale Albert that being

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Beyond words

I spend a far amount of time in these blogs writing about Love, how Love is the only true power, how Love will overcome all, I guess to some people there is a question about what I mean by love.  Love transcends all things, even in the human brain.  This has nothing to do with

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The Politics of Love

Have you ever considered that when we vote we are best off coming from a place of Love?  Think about it, if you love someone you do not find yourself saying “I love you because you are the lesser of two evils” or “I will love you because because I really don’t like that other

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Our own backyard

I have just concluded a trip which took me literally around the world.  As I traveled with my wonderful Lady I took hundreds, if not thousands of photos; photos of street scenes, buildings, trains, trees, places of worship and devotion, and more than a few of people.  I was so used to taking photos of

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Locked Doors

As our dreams grow and become reality because we have been applying the ideas in Think, Believe, Receive and It’s All About Me, we sometimes find ourself at a locked door.  We reach out and turn the knob, wiggle the door and nothing happens.  At this point we often give up on that dream or begin

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