
Look UP!

Look UP!  Yes, I invite you to think about this; when we walk with our heads down we may indeed prevent ourselves from stubbing our toes, but we are far more likely to bump our heads!  In body language, those who walk looking down are out of their power, they are sad, feeling low in […]

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No, nothing glib in this blog, suicide is a very serious experience in so many lives.  For the person who finds themselves sitting at the precipice of life or suicide the world is a very empty place.   This person believes the world will be better off with out them, and that further more, no one will care if they

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What we say and what we do

Every thing you want is yours for the having.  Everything.  If you want romance and passion, it is yours to experience in the most delightful ways.  If you want a high paying, emotionally filling job, it is waiting for you right now.  If you want to travel and experience the wonders of this wonderful country,

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The Golden Thread

Here we are on the eve of Thanksgiving, traditionally a day set aside to share gratitude for the blessings in our lives.  2015 is another year where we honestly have to ask ourselves if the blessings might just be outweighed by world and national events.  We see and hear religion pitted against religion, people fighting

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I think we all have a tendency to want to understand what is going on around us.  I will go even further to suggest that it is the feeling we do not understand what is going on which is the most frightening and maddening aspect of life.  Unfortunately it is this desire to understand events

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Fighting the World

OK, so maybe I am on a theme this week.  Wednesday I posted about conspiracy, and today I want to look at how we sometimes feel we must fight the entire world to survive.  An interesting thought came to my attention this week; humans, are hardwired to cooperate.  When we watch the evening news it

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Be the pebble

You are probably very familiar with the concept that when you drop a pebble into a pond it will produce ripples which emanate from the central point.  You are also most likely aware that this is how ideas and changes spread; from a central point outward to the community at large.  These are great thoughts,

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Make me happy

OK, you want me to make you happy, what would that look like?  You want your spouse or partner to make you happy, exactly what would that take.  You want the world to dedicate itself to making you happy.  How would that happen? If that car in front of you would just move over so

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What do you practice?

Practice makes perfect.  We have heard that line countless times, and we have heard it so often because it is totally true.  My question for you today is just what are you practicing?  Are you practicing love for those around you, or are you practicing judgement about others worthiness?  Are you practicing patience and acceptance

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