
What’s in Store?

What is in store for 2017?  That is the question on most people’s minds, I think, right now.  I have done some contemplation and crystal ball gazing on this topic and I would like to share my insights about the coming year. Seventeen things 2017 will bring you; A deepening of your Spirit and Oneness […]

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One or the Other

Is there someone in your life you truly, completly and deeply love?  I truly hope there is, for is there anything greater than having the best parts of yourself reflected back to you?  That person is bringing out the very best in you, paving the way to reach the new heights of your possibility, and

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Thanks Giving

 Do you do the tradition where just before you dig into the mounds and mounds of food on the Thanksgiving table you go around the group and say something for which you are thankful?  Have you ever felt like a deer in the headlights when it is your turn to say your part?  Perhaps you

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You are not there yet!

No matter how evolved your concept of the Universe, God, First Cause, All There Is, you have not even begun to grasp the full extent of its power and love of you. A five year old might think they have a total understanding of how the world works, and for that five year old, this

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What is ROK?  It is a Random Act of Kindness!  Well, you might say, my days of being a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout are long past, and this is probably true, but it is no reason to give up acts of kindness.  In fact, those acts are more important for you today than

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I Feel So Lost

Have you ever felt like you are lost in life?  Have you ever felt you have no control over what is happening in your world?  Perhaps you are not lost at all, perhaps what is happening is you have become so wrapped up in what you think others want you to do that you have

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The Box

“Think outside the box” we have been told time and time again, and there is no question that powerful insights can be reached outside the box, the difficulty then is to get your insight to work inside the box!  I know of several visionaries who have come up with ideas which could re-shape the world

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Wisdom is Power

We have all heard the phrase “knowledge is power.”  and this is true, however knowledge, the knowing of things, places, events, ideas, how-to’s, by themselves are simply information.  It takes wisdom to pull all these individual elements together into something which is worthwhile.  Many people are great with knowledge; they can recite facts, convey history,

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Our Exulted Task

Simply put; our Exulted Task is to develop ourselves into people worthy of the gifts we have been given; to shape our lives into lives lived consciously and in the love which is our basic make-up.  How we choose to take up this task is totally up to us as individuals; no one else can

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What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is just one more person who decides to shed the muck and mire of the past.  One more person who is no longer willing to accept the idea that “that’s just the way it is.”   What the world needs now is just one more person who is willing to

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