What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is just one more person who decides to shed the muck and mire of the past.  One more person who is no longer willing to accept the idea that “that’s just the way it is.”  

What the world needs now is just one more person who is willing to stand up and say “I can make a difference,” then go about making that difference.  Just one more person who understands and lives their life from the realization that the highest and best path is to stand in love, to act in love, to speak as love and who is more than willing to do these things; someone who does these things.

What the world needs now is just one more soul who sheds hate, greed and fear as a way of life, who boldly steps into the world as a beacon of hope for those who have been crushed by the jackboots of “the machine.” 

What the world needs now is just one more person to stand in integrity. 

When we look at it this way the world is not in such bad shape, it just needs one more person.  Is that person you?

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