
I Feel So Lost

Have you ever felt like you are lost in life?  Have you ever felt you have no control over what is happening in your world?  Perhaps you are not lost at all, perhaps what is happening is you have become so wrapped up in what you think others want you to do that you have […]

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Wisdom is Power

We have all heard the phrase “knowledge is power.”  and this is true, however knowledge, the knowing of things, places, events, ideas, how-to’s, by themselves are simply information.  It takes wisdom to pull all these individual elements together into something which is worthwhile.  Many people are great with knowledge; they can recite facts, convey history,

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It’s All so Amazing!

 As Terrie Symons and I travel in India we are very conscious of the truth that travel broadens ones mind.  As westerners we have an idea of what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is happiness, what is poverty, but here on the road we are challenged to open our minds to

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What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is just one more person who decides to shed the muck and mire of the past.  One more person who is no longer willing to accept the idea that “that’s just the way it is.”   What the world needs now is just one more person who is willing to

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Walking the Path

How often have you heard someone question if they are on the right path for their life?  This is such a huge question; how DO we know that what we have chosen to do is indeed the right path for us?  There are some clues; if you have to struggle to meet the day, you

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The Next Step

The first step in creating the life you want is to become clear on what that life would look like.  Nothing about this step includes defining how this life will come into being. The second step is to really place yourself behind your goal; to really believe you can have what you want.  Again, exactly how

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Regular readers of these blogs will know that I am a staunch advocate of affirmations.  Affirmations are a regular and important part of my own life, and I hope of your life as well.  We know that positive affirmations help us grow, help us manifest what we want, and help us live joyful lives.  

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Crazy is as Crazy does

What is crazy?  Is crazy taking a chance on a new way of doing things?  Is crazy stepping into a new relationship when the last relationship went so badly, is crazy simply seeing other people as simply living their experience as best as they can without wanting to “help” them do it “right?” People with

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Through the window

As I sit here looking out through my window, enjoying the sights outside, it occurs to me that what I am doing is exactly what I do with my life; if I look out the window and see a thunder storm and torrential rains outside, I can see those bolts of lightening and rivers of

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Free to choose

Here we are, the first day of what will be a long four day weekend for many people, so it is time for a reminder as we bask in our summer activities, our celebrations, parades and fireworks, that we are enjoying this weekend because some folks a couple hundred years ago got together and told

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