
I have no choice

Have you ever heard yourself say “I have no choice, I have to do it”?  Try to remember how it feels when you say this to yourself, that you have no choice; very disempowering, isn’t it.  To have no choice means you are doing something against your will, and no one really wants to feel […]

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There is always more

Why is it so important to find a positive outlook on life?  Because there is always more, that’s why.  If you constantly see doom and misfortune around yourself, there is always more.  If you, on the other hand, constantly see love and joy around you, there is always more too. A balanced life does not

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I am a fraud

I can look around me and see people I think have it all together, who have perfect lives and know exactly where they are going and what they will do when they get there.  These people scare me.   I look at my life and say to myself “I am a fraud; people think I

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Updating your life

Throughout my life I have been known as someone who does not change easily.  I tend to choose the same clothing styles year after year, wear the same brand of watch for decades, and view with a jaundiced eye when someone comes along telling me I need to update this part of my life or

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I’m only human

Words have power.  Have I mentioned that in these blogs before?  Maybe once or twice, and here we are again, the power of words.  When we excuse ourselves by saying “I’m only human” what we are doing is suggesting that as humans we are limited in any way, and this is not true. As humans

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The future

Nothing happens in the future. No, I am not being a fatalist, nor predicting doom and gloom.  What I am saying is that the future does not exist except as a concept.  Things happen in the now; right now, and not a moment later.  This moment, this very moment you are looking at this word

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How Is It?

How is it that we can grow if we are glued to what has been?  How is it we can love an support another person if we insist they remain the same?  How is it we can expect to achieve our goals without changing who we are? OK, trick question.  We cannot grow stuck to

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What is your limitation?

I don’t have any limitations, you say.  I am unlimited in all things.  Yes, yes you are unlimited in all things, and when we get to the point in our evolution where we have embodied this truth to the fullest extent possible we will indeed have not limitations.  Right now, however, no matter how evolved

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To Reason

Essentially there are two ways to reason; from wonder and awe (curious) or through rationality.  When we reason through wonder and awe we are like the child; open to possibility.  When we reason through rationality we often overlook the wonderful things life has to offer. Obviously there are times to stand in wonder and awe,

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It’s My Voice I Hear

When someone speaks to me it really doesn’t matter what they say, it is my own voice I hear.  Whatever preconceived notions I have about any topic will filter what I hear, and this is what leads to communication challenges for us all.  This tendency to hear anything through our own filters is present in each and

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