
Rising above it all

Let’s face it, once in a while we all lose control of our emotions.  We all lose control of that wonderfully evolved person we have become.  It doesn’t matter how much work we have done to love everyone (from near, or perhaps far) the stuff of life sometimes just creeps up on us.  But there […]

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Conversations in our heads

Those conversations in our heads; you know how they go.  You get so angry at another person and you want to tell them off.  You want to show them how wrong they are.  Around and around the conversation goes in your mind.  They say this, you respond with a withering reply that is insightful and

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Remember these things

Do a thousand wonderful deeds plus one not so wonderful deed and what will you remember?  The one deed that did not live up to your own standards. The monkey mind We humans are so wonderful.  We do good things all the time, as we should.  We help others, we give to charity, we raise children

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How do I stack-up?

One of the tendencies we have is to compare ourselves to others.  He has more hair, she is thinner, they are smarter than I am.  We cannot win at this game.  Neither can we win the comparison game the other way; I am more fit than he is, my car is nicer than theirs, at

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Having courage

Very often we hear the words courage and bravery used as synonyms, as though they have the same meaning.  They do not have the same meaning.  Among the definitions of the word bravery you will find the word courage, but among the definitions of courage bravery hardly appears at all.  What you will find as

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The software of doubt

Have you run a system scan on your thinking looking for software of doubt?  For most of us it is there, just like a brain virus. Brain virus does not have to mean something like meningitis.  Brain virus can also mean catching the disease of “I can’t.” Just like your computer Just as your computer

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The beginning of time

Right now, right this very moment is the beginning of time, and you are part of it.  Each and everything that has occurred before this moment is history.  People may argue about what has happened and why, but you and only you determine what will happen from this moment forward. Outside forces I am fully

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Building a relationship

You want to build a relationship.  Everything you do is about building a relationship with that special someone; the dating web sites, the mixers, you name it, but alas, nothing has happened yet.  I admit it, there are like a bizzillion suggestions out there on the topic of relationships.  In this one blog there is not

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Just visiting!

Here is a challenge for you; try viewing our beautiful planet as though you were just visiting from a far distant planetary system.  Step aside from your everyday view of your surroundings and put yourself in the place of someone visiting from another planet.  Would you view the sunset you see every day differently?  Would

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I am too busy!

Has the phrase “I am too busy” come out of your mouth lately?  Does this mean you are complaining about your life, or does it mean you cannot take on another project? Complaining about your life. We want to be very careful about complaining where our life is concerned.  The Cosmos has a delightful way of

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