
Know Thy Enemy

Who is our enemy?  Can we live without having an enemy?  What if there is no enemy at all?  Could it be that defining another person, place or thing as an enemy is simply a convoluted way of defining ourselves?  Could it be that unless we have some one or some thing to push against […]

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One of my dear friends recently gifted me with a bumper sticker that carries with it a message I dearly love; Pono.  This is one of those Hawaiian words that carries with it many subtexts depending upon its context, but generally Pono is defined as righteousness, morality, goodness, virtuous, fair and kind.  It’s context in

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What is ROK?  It is a Random Act of Kindness!  Well, you might say, my days of being a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout are long past, and this is probably true, but it is no reason to give up acts of kindness.  In fact, those acts are more important for you today than

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Our Exulted Task

Simply put; our Exulted Task is to develop ourselves into people worthy of the gifts we have been given; to shape our lives into lives lived consciously and in the love which is our basic make-up.  How we choose to take up this task is totally up to us as individuals; no one else can

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To Give or not To Give (part 2)

 There is a Universal Law called “The Law of Multiplication” of which you should be aware.  This Law says whatever we give we get back ten times over.  Recently I wrote about giving to panhandlers.  Lets expand upon that idea.   When we give it must be without strings, there can be no conditions on

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What is “grounding”? Grounding is a process whereby your soul and your spirit are balanced.  When you are grounded life moves so much more smoothly; irritations are fewer, discord is felt less, relationships are more fulfilling and you feel you have a real place in this world.  As with most things which have to do with

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Drama Now

Here is a fun fact: we cannot live in our dramas and still live in the now. What this statement means is that we all experience dramas in our lives. Drama is  energy which swirl around our lives but serves only to create discord within us, energy which make us feel badly about who we are,

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“Disharmony, fighting, anger are all around me, I can’t work this way”  Have you ever heard these thoughts in your mind?  What can you do about this overwhelming feeling of discord? I would like to give you a magic wand to dispel all this gunk, I really would, but the magic wand shop closed last

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The power of being upset

Some of us spend quite a bit of energy attempting to not be upset at anyone or anything.  I have to ask; why? Harmony is not the absence of discord.  I offer the example of western music verses Japanese traditional music.  To the western ear Japanese music is simply discordant, not so to those who

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Do you know someone addicted to DOPE?  Are your addicted to DOPE?  Drama Oriented Power Exchange, or DOPE is all around us, and we feed into it every time we share gossip or complain to someone who cannot help resolve an issue.  The FDA has no people out there trying to regulate DOPE, the DEA

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