Brian K. Graham

Fitting in

Fitting-in is the primary motivator of so many people; to the point that they forget who they are and what they believe.  I know that as a parent, just as my own parents did about me, I worry that my own children will forsake what is right to fit-in. The power of not fitting-in Why […]

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Generosity changes us

Our own generosity changes who we are.  It makes us more appreciative of our own ability to give, our own prosperity, our own kindness.  As we come to appreciate who and what we are, we have a better feeling about ourselves, which lifts our self esteem.  I am certain you can appreciate how this would

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Just because I am Spiritual

I know that some people think that being Spiritual is the same as being religious.  They think being Spiritual means being blissed-out all the time, or having a strict, inflexible code of behavior I want everyone to follow.  Please allow me to attempt to dissuade you from that belief. What being Spiritual is Being Spiritual

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Ghosts and Hugs

According to my good friend Terry Hall, the Stoic Medium, “Ghosts give sucky hugs.”  This colorful phrase came about after his Father in Law made his transition.  But what does this mean to you and me? Making the most of today Put simply we will all, one day, reach the end of our physical lives.

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Learn from the trees

Trees have so much to teach us, if we just stop and think about them.  This time of year many of us are enjoying as the first bright colors of fall appear in the foliage.  Soon we may be cursing the gift of leaves the trees have given us as we rake them up, but

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Childhood truths

In our childhood we had many sayings to help us cope with bullies.  “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”  “I know you are, but what am I?”  “I’m rubber, you’re glue, what bounces off me sticks to you.”  Perhaps you had other favorites, these are just three that

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Feeling alone

The feeling of being alone is the most frightening experience we can have.  For most of us, every moment of every day there are people around us.  Sometimes these people are within our personal space, sometimes they are beyond the walls of our homes, but there are always people around.  Yet even the the realization

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What is your title?

Titles are what we are given to get other people to respond to us in a certain way.  The grander the title, the more exalted we ought to be viewed, don’t you think?   The lie of the title On the surface having the title CEO, or CFO makes us more important than having the

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People like me

People like me never get a date.  I am too fat, too short, too ugly, too, too!  Have you ever heard yourself saying something along those lines?  Perhaps there is really nothing about your shape, size or mental capacity that other people find undesirable.  I can think of a couple good reasons these statements seem

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You are a light

You are a light of the Universe if you see the world, the Universe, the Cosmos as the creation of The One.  It doesn’t matter what name you use to refer to The One, in the end names do not matter.  You are a light of the world if you see all creation as sacred

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