book. It’s All About Me

Those darned resolutions

Over the years I have watched with joy the influx of people just after the new year to the Gym where I work out.  Most come for a week, some stay for a month, but far and away the greatest number of people give up on their resolution of getting in shape, or shedding those […]

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The Assumption

Here is my story: last night I met a woman who knocked me off my feet, my head was spinning, I could not catch my breath. Now, quickly; think about my story.  Is it about me meeting a beautiful woman and falling in love at first sight?  Could be. Perhaps your first thought was that

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Your Field of Dreams

Ray Kinsella planted his Field of Dreams in Iowa, you plant your Field of Dreams in your heart.  You plant this field every day, every moment. No matter if you plant a field of corn, a baseball diamond, or a patio garden there is one thing in common for all these fields, you will have

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Getting there

My sweetheart Jeannette and I have had this discussion many times, and Henry Miller is quoted as saying it so well: “One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.” Too often we get caught up thinking that the whole purpose of life is to achieve a goal. That is an example

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Be the pebble

You are probably very familiar with the concept that when you drop a pebble into a pond it will produce ripples which emanate from the central point.  You are also most likely aware that this is how ideas and changes spread; from a central point outward to the community at large.  These are great thoughts,

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The Story

When we listen to others speak what we will hear is their story.  This story might be full of joy, it might be full of doom and gloom, it might be funny, or scary, it might be anything at all, but it is still a story.  To fully hear what the other person is saying

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Good or Bad?

Is taking time to read this blog good or bad?  Is your boss good or bad?  Is the relationship you are in good or bad? Was the traffic on the way to work today good or bad?  Was your choice to change your workplace or relationship good or bad? The truth is now, and always

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The baggage

Feel that weight on your soul?  The overall malaise of life sucking the joy out of your day, robbing the preciousness of relationships?  Do you wonder why you feel this?  It is the baggage of your life which you have been lugging around behind you.  Every slight committed against you, every snub, lost promotion, all

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The new understanding

I mentioned Wednesday how I got a new understanding about my book It’s All About Me, and how the Involved  Observer process works, even after working with it for almost two years before publication, and I want to share it with you.  In the IO process we ask ourselves why something is bothering us.  We

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I Know it All!

OK, so here is a guy who spends two years writing a book, It’s All About Me, the Involved Observer.  The book gets published, and he starts doing workshops around the material.  Imagine his surprise when, he sits down with a group in Akron, Ohio to do the workshop and he learns there is an entirely

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