Sentient Beings

Sentient beings are anything that perceives or feels.  Does this mean that only humans are sentient?  Let me ask you; does a pet perceive anything? Does a tree or plant feel anything?  Quite obviously, both feel and perceive.   Our limited awareness Homo Sapiens are at the top of the food chain, so we often […]

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Seeing the future

Would you like to know what the future holds for you?  Just once wouldn’t you like to know if you should take this action as opposed to that action and know, simply know how things would turn out?   The future is in flux If you have experienced an astrological reading and the astrologer is

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From here, I look good!

As we travel our individual paths to ascension we often find ourselves thinking “As far as I know, I am a delightful person!”  Unfortunately, from others we are hearing quite a different story.  Our immediate reaction may be to bless them and their ideas, and move on.  Or, we may feel hurt or angry about

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Getting dragged-in

Drama is the claws of the past dragging us backwards.  How often do you find yourself embroiled in drama?  Finding yourself distracted on the way to success by the monkey chatter of everyday life?  Drama is not your friend.  On the surface, having a conversation about who did what to whom may seem like simply

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Creatures of habit

Yep, humans are creatures of habit.  Why?  According to a book I am reading it is because thinking makes our brains use calories, and our self-protection mechanisms are built to conserve calories.  I guess that is why it is so hard to lose that stubborn fat around our middle section! The book I am reading

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Global Anonymity

We live in a time of Global Anonymity.  We are connected globally through our electronic gadgets, games and information, but no one knows who we are.  For some this seems perfect.  They just don’t want to be weighed down with interpersonal relationships, but they enjoy the thrill of being connected.  For others it only heightens

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Being lovable

How do you feel about being lovable?  Is it something you would rather not discuss about yourself because you fear being seen as self-centered?  Is this something you have even thought about?  Perhaps you gave up on the task a long time ago? Am I lovable? Not only are you lovable, you are loved.  Many of

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How do I stack-up?

One of the tendencies we have is to compare ourselves to others.  He has more hair, she is thinner, they are smarter than I am.  We cannot win at this game.  Neither can we win the comparison game the other way; I am more fit than he is, my car is nicer than theirs, at

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Shame as control

One of the ways we control our youngsters is through shame.  Of course we don’t consider it controlling, we sugar-coat it as “Teaching” but it is still shame.  “Do you want people thinking you are a slob?” we might tell a young one.  Innocent as this little phrase might at first sound, it will last

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The inspirational gift

The most powerful gift we can give is the gift that inspires others to give.  The really cool part about this gift is that it will not cost you any money at all! Earth Day I am proud to say that I was part of the first Earth Day observance way back in April 1970.

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