Is it Good or is it Bad?

I really enjoy the lower gas prices I pay today, lower prices are good right?  But wait, my son does repairs on drilling rigs in North Dakota.  Many of those rigs are shutting down because oil prices are falling too low. This means his income is going down.  Bad right? But those who do have jobs can […]

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I want it MY way

Hey, it worked for Frank Sinatra, didn’t it?  Seriously though, I really do want it my way; I want the computer to work the way I want it to work, I want my driving to be my way, I want my relationships to work the way I want them to, and so on and so

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Over the years I have seen so many buzz phrases come along, then go along.  When The Secret came out millions of people bought the book, gave it a quick read, decided they understood and went to the casino saying “I want my money.” Thing is, they did not take time to understand the message in

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The Power of Uncertainty

I know lots of people who want to know exactly how the next step of any project, or life event, will play out.  These folks love making charts, lists, and outlines.  Bless their hearts, if this is how you do your life and it works for you, carry on. I enjoy embracing uncertainty. In fact

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Those rose colored glasses

I like to think of myself as a pretty positive guy.  When situations arise which are uncomfortable or not what I thought I would like to see or experience in my life I do tend to look for the bright side.  Some would say I wear rose colored glasses.  This is usually not said as

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Making Resolutions

New Years Eve! Isn’t it interesting we use the word “resolution” for both completing something, and also for setting intentions for the future?   If you are someone who reserves December 31 of each year to set your resolutions for the next year, as many do, consider this: If your resolution is to stop doing

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Paranoia will destroy ya

For the past few weeks it seems every newscast included some mention of a movie which was to be released on Christmas.  Sony Pictures computers were supposedly hacked; e-mails leaked, threats made, and on and on.  At first the blame was laid at the door of North Korea, prompting some people to demand retaliation.  Then

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Those Lying Eyes

Some people labor under the misconception that we communicate most effectively on the visual plane, but your eyes will lie to you!  Have you ever looked at one of those hidden image posters which were so popular in the 90’s?  You could look at it for hours an see only the upper image, but if

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What’s wrong with you!

As we sit here on Christmas Eve, and the last day of Hanuka 2014 the question arises, “What is wrong with you?” All around us are people enjoying the holiday season in their own ways.  Some are jubilant, others are quietly celebrating and somewhere in left field we sit, neither jubilant nor celebrating in anyway others

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Who are YOU?

Yes, a great song from the Who, and a great question to ask of our selves in the morning “Who are YOU?”  You see, when we forget who we are, we become who we were. This invalidates all the learning, growing and experiences you have had throughout your life.  How far back will this invalidation

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