Allow the gift

In my book Think Believe Receive I relate that one of the most difficult things we are asked to do is to accept gifts.  These gifts may be gift wrapped, or verbal.  They may even be things we have wanted for some time, and yet we turn them away. Even after writing about this in my […]

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Never say never

Besides being most of the title of a James Bond movie, never saying never is a pretty good course of action.  The Universe has a wonderful way of taking that “never” and turning it right back on us, sometimes in the most delightful manner! I have written about my involvement with the All American Soap

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Help, I am disconnected!

I started to post this blog last night only to discover my server was down.  Is this the modern equivalent of the old “the dog ate my homework?”  Even a low-tech savvy person such as myself can feel disconnected when this happens; what must it be like for someone who takes instant communication not only

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Being the active participant

“Burn-out” is a real thing in today’s world.  It seems that every waking moment we are bombarded with information, calls to action, calls to inaction, calls for help, complaints and expanding demands upon our time.  The advent of personal electronic devices has made ours a life of being on-call 24/7/365.  With so many demands on

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Everywhere I look

Everywhere I look I see people trying to get an edge on me, people trying to use me, people who abuse my trust and my love. Everywhere I look I see people who want the best for me, people giving selflessly of their time, people who make me want to be more trusting and loving

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Making a turn-around

How many times have you decided enough is enough, you are through with this type of relationship; a relationship with a person, a relationship with food, or a relationship with an behavior, and you decide this is it, from now on you will not do or be that anymore.  You begin to make the changes

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On your path to true IN-powerment you do not want to take any prisoners.   Does this mean you are to lay waste to anyone or anything which crosses your path along the way?  No, it means that as you walk the path to being aware of your responsibility for your own life, you do not


I can fix you

If someone says to you that they can “fix”, run, don’t walk, RUN the other direction just as quickly as you can. First of all, you are not broken, therefore you do not need fixing. Second of all, whatever you want to change about your life does not come from an outside source, it begins

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Round Peg, Round Hole

You know this phrase, it means that the person chosen for a task is perfectly suited to that task.  Round peg, square hole means we are trying to force an issue  or person to conform to a shape it was never intended to fill. Do you ever feel like a round peg in a square

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I’m rubber, you’re glue

Remember that chant from grade school? How about “I know you are, but what am I?” How could we fully understand the truth behind these two phrases when we were but 10 years old?  Yet there it is, there is a big persons truth in these words too, although we might not want to use

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