Divided by Words

Which poet said the English and Americans are divided by a common language?  Let’s take that a step further, we Americans are separated by a common language too.  It is the subtlety of the use of our language which divides us. If I say “I love you” that can mean about a half a million things! […]

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The Dream of Suffering

Would you be surprised to learn that some people actually thrive on suffering?  Would you think me mad if I said that rather than being unhappy suffering, there are those among us who think the more they feel they are suffering, the happier they feel, at least to themselves? As odd as this may sound,

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Healing Belief

Not being an M.D.  I cannot say for certain, but I would think one truth about humans which might irk someone who has dedicated themselves to study and practice for so many years is that in the end there is nothing any human can do to heal another human being. Take for example the number

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Getting there

My sweetheart Jeannette and I have had this discussion many times, and Henry Miller is quoted as saying it so well: “One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.” Too often we get caught up thinking that the whole purpose of life is to achieve a goal. That is an example

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Be the pebble

You are probably very familiar with the concept that when you drop a pebble into a pond it will produce ripples which emanate from the central point.  You are also most likely aware that this is how ideas and changes spread; from a central point outward to the community at large.  These are great thoughts,

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Evolution or Revolution?

This one is just for fun; think about the changes you have seen in your life and ask; was it an evolution or was it a revolution? Was the Black Power movement of the 60’s a revolution or was it an evolution of the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Was the Woman’s Rights movement an evolution of

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Keep Knocking

“Ask and it is given”, “knock and the door will be opened.” These are phrases and thoughts we may have learned during  our early years from biblical sources.  But what happens when we ask, or we knock, and before we can be answered, or before the door is opened we walk away.  We do not

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    I suppose it would be easy to get the idea from these posts that my goal is to eliminate all emotions from my life, but this would be untrue.  Emotions are a playground for our hearts.  Emotions are where we learn our life experiences, so emotions are very important to our growth.  They

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The Story

When we listen to others speak what we will hear is their story.  This story might be full of joy, it might be full of doom and gloom, it might be funny, or scary, it might be anything at all, but it is still a story.  To fully hear what the other person is saying

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Make me happy

OK, you want me to make you happy, what would that look like?  You want your spouse or partner to make you happy, exactly what would that take.  You want the world to dedicate itself to making you happy.  How would that happen? If that car in front of you would just move over so

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