What is ROK?  It is a Random Act of Kindness!  Well, you might say, my days of being a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout are long past, and this is probably true, but it is no reason to give up acts of kindness.  In fact, those acts are more important for you today than […]

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It Always Happens

You plan an adventure vaction.  You get all the fliers for your destination, review all the possibilities for tremendous experiences, the perfect transportation, even the perfect things to pack.  Everything possibility for the most wonderful trip of your life.  Every eventuality you can conceive is planned for.  Hurrah for you!  You have been placing into consciousness

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I Feel So Lost

Have you ever felt like you are lost in life?  Have you ever felt you have no control over what is happening in your world?  Perhaps you are not lost at all, perhaps what is happening is you have become so wrapped up in what you think others want you to do that you have

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Regaining your balance

On my first day here in Japan my lady and I boarded one of the many,many trains which serve Tokyo to travel into downtown.  At first I was kind of in amazement at all the people moving about, all in their work uniforms, looking at their electronic devices or reading.  But very soon I started

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The Box

“Think outside the box” we have been told time and time again, and there is no question that powerful insights can be reached outside the box, the difficulty then is to get your insight to work inside the box!  I know of several visionaries who have come up with ideas which could re-shape the world

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You are the leaders

You, yes you are the leaders on this planet.  I make this claim because here you are, taking time to learn, to grow, to listen to other ideas which you will then merge with your own ideas to become a more effective leader.  Many who would ask us to let them be our leaders spend

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Try and try again

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.”  How many times have you heard this sage advice during your lifetime?  There have been times when someone has said this to me and I have gotten sooooo frustrated.  “I have tried, and tried, and tried again and still its not working! Though my own

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Wisdom is Power

We have all heard the phrase “knowledge is power.”  and this is true, however knowledge, the knowing of things, places, events, ideas, how-to’s, by themselves are simply information.  It takes wisdom to pull all these individual elements together into something which is worthwhile.  Many people are great with knowledge; they can recite facts, convey history,

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Set in my ways

As I flit from country to country, town to town, hotel to hotel on this most amazing adventure I am having with my beautiful Lady, the places where I am set in my ways pop-up and surprise me time and again.  things I thought no longer mattered to me suddenly seem like huge things.  This

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That’s All I Asked For

“All I want is enough money to get by.” “All I want is somebody to love.”  All I want is the chance to be happy.”  These statements sound quite innocent and maybe one or more will reflect what you believe, but the problem is the Universe, which is charge of delivery of everything you wish

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