
Keep Knocking

“Ask and it is given”, “knock and the door will be opened.” These are phrases and thoughts we may have learned during  our early years from biblical sources.  But what happens when we ask, or we knock, and before we can be answered, or before the door is opened we walk away.  We do not […]

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    I suppose it would be easy to get the idea from these posts that my goal is to eliminate all emotions from my life, but this would be untrue.  Emotions are a playground for our hearts.  Emotions are where we learn our life experiences, so emotions are very important to our growth.  They

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The Story

When we listen to others speak what we will hear is their story.  This story might be full of joy, it might be full of doom and gloom, it might be funny, or scary, it might be anything at all, but it is still a story.  To fully hear what the other person is saying

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Make me happy

OK, you want me to make you happy, what would that look like?  You want your spouse or partner to make you happy, exactly what would that take.  You want the world to dedicate itself to making you happy.  How would that happen? If that car in front of you would just move over so

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What do you practice?

Practice makes perfect.  We have heard that line countless times, and we have heard it so often because it is totally true.  My question for you today is just what are you practicing?  Are you practicing love for those around you, or are you practicing judgement about others worthiness?  Are you practicing patience and acceptance

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Release the need to “do”

One of the things we share in our experience is the fruitless need to “do” or to “be”.  I say fruitless because we begin as fully formed, fully IN-powered beings.  When we attempt to justify ourselves or define ourselves through what we do, where we live, who our family is, how we practice our spirituality,

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Say nothing

“If you don’t have anything  nice to say, don’t say anything.” I can still hear my mother saying that to me even though decades have passed since I last heard her voice.  It is still good advice today, for you and for me both.  Yet for some reason we seem to have the need to

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Consistency can be a good thing, or it can be a trap.  Being someone who can be counted upon to complete tasks on time, accurately is indeed a wonderful thing. Being a person who can only do a task one way, not so wonderful.  However there is a thin line between consistency, habit and being

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I’m only Human

As we walk our path to IN-powerment we do so much wonderful work; we release others from responsibility for our experiences, we forgive others and ourselves for “missing the mark”, we reduce or eliminate the need to gossip, and we see the world through new eyes as being unlimited possibility.  Sometimes we fall short of

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A Smile

You might think I am going to write something like “a smile increases your face value” or something like that, but I am not.  You see smiles come in so many ways, some are external, some are internal, some are for show, some smiles come out in a performance, in a job well done or

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