
What is your resistance?

Want to see resistance pop up around you very quickly? Introduce change to your workplace. When what we believe comes up against a new way of believing, or just a new way of being, resistance is a very common result.  And it is not restricted to our workplace; resistance comes about with the PTA, the […]

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Whose path is this?

I loved my mother and father, and they loved me, for that I am grateful.  Yet I often wonder these decades since they left this planet  what they would think of the path I am walking in my life right now.  The simple truth is that it does not matter how they would be viewing

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No, nothing glib in this blog, suicide is a very serious experience in so many lives.  For the person who finds themselves sitting at the precipice of life or suicide the world is a very empty place.   This person believes the world will be better off with out them, and that further more, no one will care if they

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If I let go

What would it look like if you just let go?  Just let go of your expectations about how things should work, who should be in charge, when something is supposed to happen.  What if you let go of trying to make things happen, and instead simply get a goal in mind, then trust that the

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How do I love me?

Is there someone special in your life? Someone who is the focus of the upcoming Valentines Day celebration?  Or, are you one of the many people for whom love is simply an interesting concept which one day might find its way into your life?    You may think these two groups are totally different, one having someone,

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Your condition is not your reality

I do not have to define for you what your condition is, your know what your condition is.  Whatever that “condition” is called, it is not your reality.  Is your condition an illness?  Is your condition your relationship status? Is your condition related to your body shape?  No matter how you define your condition, the

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Give Yourself Permission

Too often we wait for someone else to bring us an opportunity; opportunity to grow,  opportunity to achieve, opportunity to experience.  Stop waiting!  Give yourself permission to make, to experience, to have.  Yes, others can help us achieve our goals, but sitting around waiting for that goal to plop down on our doorstep fully completed

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Ask what you want

What would you like to hear someone say to you today? A good friend of mine named Ashtar gave me this process specifically to pass along to you so that you might experience this joy.   Step one, when you get up in the morning, decide what you would like to hear said to you today.

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Drama Now

Here is a fun fact: we cannot live in our dramas and still live in the now. What this statement means is that we all experience dramas in our lives. Drama is  energy which swirl around our lives but serves only to create discord within us, energy which make us feel badly about who we are,

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Wants or Needs?

Wants and Needs are not the same thing, yet we often confuse them in our minds and chase after things which do not serve us, thinking that our wants are our needs. This distracts us from what is truly important in our lives. A need might be food, shelter, clothing. A want would be a five

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