
My hair! My hair!

Outside right now we are getting some light showers, and for some this will be greeted with the plaintive cry of “my hair, my hair!” because showers and styled hair are a poor mixture.  For some there will be curses under the breath because of the rains effect on their clothing, or dismay because the car has […]

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Healing the Healer

For almost three years I have been sharing my thoughts about IN-Powerment based largely upon my first two books; Think, Believe, Receive and It’s All About me.  A fair question you might ask is “why should I bother to heal myself when so many others with whom I associate are messed up?” The greatest reason

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I know that stuff

How many classes have you taken?  How many books have you read?  How many experiences have you had?  The more of these things you experience the more likely you might find yourself saying “I know that stuff.”  And you do know that stuff, at least you have experienced that stuff; but the question is are

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You know what I mean by romance; life is perfect, all things are possible, the sky is bluer, you are happy, you put your best foot forward all the time.  Ah, romance; what a wonderful place to live.  But romance does not have to be directed at someone else to be wonderful. What if one

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You are more!

Am I my job?  Am I my car?  Am I my house? Am I my income?  In every case the answer is a resounding NO!  You are more than our house, your car, your job or your income, yet sometimes we find ourselves identifying more with our stuff than who we are inside. Years ago

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Nothing can come from nothing; everything must come from something, so when we say “that came out of nowhere” we are mistaken.  If we say “I had nothing to do with that experience coming into my life,” we are mistaken.  Everything must come from something, so what would that something be?  That something is our

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Be a carrier

Have you ever wanted to really mess with peoples minds?  Here is a fun way to do just that; with every person you cross paths with today, be it walking down the street, or in the supermarket or in the hall at work, and especially if you happen to find yourself on an elevator, look

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Each of us has habits we wanted to break.  Smoking, eating, love life, driving; habits abound in our lives.  Some habits support our well-being, like how we choose to eat, how we choose to exercise, or how we choose to deal with other people. Other habits simply drag us down, cost us money, and generally

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Right or Righteous thinking

What is the difference between right thinking and righteous thinking?  Does it even matter?  Well yes of course it matters, because the goal of these blogs is to help you (and me) become more IN-powered, to live a fuller, more successful life. Right thinking is thought which comes from the truth that what I am experiencing

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“I don’t have time to….. ”  You have heard this countless times, maybe you have even said it yourself, but stop and think about this; you and I have exactly the same number of moments in our lives, so does every other being on this planet.  Exactly the same number of moments.  The real question

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