Brian Graham

What’s wrong with you!

As we sit here on Christmas Eve, and the last day of Hanuka 2014 the question arises, “What is wrong with you?” All around us are people enjoying the holiday season in their own ways.  Some are jubilant, others are quietly celebrating and somewhere in left field we sit, neither jubilant nor celebrating in anyway others […]

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Who are YOU?

Yes, a great song from the Who, and a great question to ask of our selves in the morning “Who are YOU?”  You see, when we forget who we are, we become who we were. This invalidates all the learning, growing and experiences you have had throughout your life.  How far back will this invalidation

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Gimme My Stuff

OK, so I know you have read my two previous postings: What do you think, and Thinking or Believing, and now you are saying “I thought about it, and saw that I did not actually believe what I was saying, so I realigned my thinking and believing, now, gimme my stuff”.  Well if you managed to

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What do you Think?

Mark Twain wrote: “A man’s private thought can never be a lie.  What he thinks is, to him, the truth, always.” When we are dealing with another person it is important to remember this quote.  Other than with the person who is a pathological liar, we can begin to break down barriers between us when

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Words have power

“I have a 9:00 meeting with the staff and I am going to have to battle to get their attention” If this is how you go into your 9:00 meeting, guess what, even if everyone is on your side, even if everyone agrees with you, your impression is going to be that you had to

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The Sun Also Rises

365 days a year the sun rises, but never twice in the exact same place. 365 times in the past year the sun has found a way to do things from a new place, but what about you?  Are you stuck doing exactly the same thing exactly the same way each and every day simply because it

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Stand in your own Power

What does it mean to stand in your own power?  It means: 1) being aware of what you are doing 2) knowing why you are doing it, and 3) doing it in a manner which supports your goals, and the best in everyone concerned. This is being In-powered. At Choiceful Living Seminars, through the In-powerment program, what we want

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I don’t need to be loved

That’s right, I do not need to be loved.  Is this counter to everything you have learned over your years?  How can someone not need to be loved? The key to this statement is in the word need. When we go about our day needing to be loved, we make choices which do not necessarily

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Thank you, Good job

Most of us are pretty good at saying “thank you” when someone does something for us.  Sometimes we even say “Good job!” when something is done for us which makes us happy.  Yea for us, this is the way it should be, still there is one person to whom we too often neglect to recognize

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