Brian Graham


“I don’t have time to….. ”  You have heard this countless times, maybe you have even said it yourself, but stop and think about this; you and I have exactly the same number of moments in our lives, so does every other being on this planet.  Exactly the same number of moments.  The real question […]

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Amateur or Professional

The difference between being an amateur and being a professional is far greater than that one gets paid and the other one doesn’t.  In a nutshell the difference is this; an amateur plays, a professional practices.  do you hear the difference?  Do you play at being successful or do you practice being successful?  Do you

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I Can, I Will

If it sometimes seems I am a cheerleader in these blogs, that is wonderful; I am a cheerleader, a cheerleader for YOU.  Here is how I see things; there is only one obstacle to you achieving the greatness you are: Your belief system. As we go through life we are presented with more NO’s than

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Energy is Potential

All things are energy, including your thoughts.  Your thoughts represent what you attract, and what you manifest in your life.  Question; do your thoughts support the dreams you say you have or do they work against those dreams?  Do you dream of winning the lottery, but when you go to check your numbers is your

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Fall In Love

Falling in love is one of the most wonderful things we experience; the chills and thrills of those first few weeks when everything is right with the world…..grand indeed. Then too often we find ourselves falling out of love just as quickly and as dramatically, which is not fun. Why does this happen, and why does

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Call Me Anything

A little less than a week ago we celebrated what many refer to as Easter Sunday.  for some this was a day of reflection of their spiritual truths, their spiritual roots; for some it was a reason for feasting or an extra day off, many of those in school got a week off, even though

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Look UP!

Look UP!  Yes, I invite you to think about this; when we walk with our heads down we may indeed prevent ourselves from stubbing our toes, but we are far more likely to bump our heads!  In body language, those who walk looking down are out of their power, they are sad, feeling low in

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The stickiness of NO

A few weeks ago I wrote a well received blog called “The Power of No.”  Yes, there is great power in standing in your integrity and saying no to someone who wants something from you which you are unwilling or unable to provide.  But let’s take a step back and find out why that word NO

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What’s Your Focus?

Once again we have been offered the opportunity to focus our attention on fear for our personal safety.  Even if we are not traveling, or planning to travel to Europe or even if we have no idea where Brussels is located.  The images we are presented are so graphic, and our hearts go out to

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On Laughter

Laughter is the the heart smiling, isn’t that a lovely thought/feeling?  Look within  yourself when you laugh and see if your heart is smiling.  Almost certainly your heart will be smiling if it is true laughter. Laughter is known to help resolve many physical conditions, laughter lift spirits, and heals the spirit which has been damaged by

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