Brian Graham


As the old saying goes; when everyone is out to get you paranoia is just common sense.  Paranoia can be very destructive in our lives, causing us to question everyone and every thing leaving us no safe place to rest our minds.  Now, if you can get your mind around the idea that everyone is […]

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I am sitting outside a Starbucks in Kunatachi, Japan right now.  All around me are the famous Cherry trees of Japan coming into bloom.  Tourists and locals alike are snapping photos of the blossoms, the air is redolent with their soft fragrance.  In a few days there will be a rain and most of these

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Isn’t It Interesting

No matter how enlightened we become, or think we have become, isn’t it interesting that we can still be impacted by other peoples fears? Case-in-point; my beautiful wife Terrie and I were preparing to visit Korea.  We called the credit card companies to let them know there would be some foreign transactions and were told

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How do we define ourselves?

Do we define ourselves by what we think others are or are  not?  Do we define ourselves by how many others have harmed us?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry, our responsibilities?  All these are very transient definitions, so when we finally learn that no one has truly harmed us more than

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What’s The Problem?

“Houston, we have a problem.”  A famous line from the movie Apollo 13 but also a very familiar thought going through our minds.  The real problem is we do not step back and ask ourselves what the problem really is!  Is the problem life threatening?  If so, take immediate action, if not, take yourself off

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Defending Myself

It seems to me that almost every conflict stems from feeling the need to defend ourselves.  I say “feeling the need” to defend ourselves; very often there is no need to defend ourselves, it sometimes just feels that way.  This stems from an insistence that we must be right and someone else must be wrong.

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Who Am I?

The question is; how do we define ourselves?  Do we define ourselves by how many people we have charmed?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry or our responsibilities? Do we define ourselves by our jobs, our cars, our homes, our income? None of these definitions truly answer the question “Who Am I?”

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To Reason

Essentially there are two ways to reason; from wonder and awe (curious) or through rationality.  When we reason through wonder and awe we are like the child; open to possibility.  When we reason through rationality we often overlook the wonderful things life has to offer. Obviously there are times to stand in wonder and awe,

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Your Magnificent Self

Does this sound familiar to you?  When someone gives you a complement you either dismiss the compliment (“You don’t have to thank me.”) or downplay the compliment (“It was nothing.”)  Either way you are dishonoring the Magnificent Self you are, and at the same time you are dishonoring the person offering the compliment. Most compliments

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