
Let’s Celebrate!

By the power vested in me by the Universe I hereby declare this day to be the day of YOU!!!!  Let’s Celebrate!! Why do we wait around for a special occasion to celebrate?  Each and every day is a cause for celebration, heck, each and every moment is a cause for celebration!  Each moment of […]

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What is “grounding”? Grounding is a process whereby your soul and your spirit are balanced.  When you are grounded life moves so much more smoothly; irritations are fewer, discord is felt less, relationships are more fulfilling and you feel you have a real place in this world.  As with most things which have to do with

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Escaping the Past

I recently had someone tell me I was good at erasing the past from my life.  This kind of took me by surprise because in my garage right now are four large bins of photos, memorabilia and collectables from my past.  “Erasing the past?” No, I don’t think so, but because this charge stayed with

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I told you so!

Want to really run a relationship into the ground?  Say “I told you so.”  It really doesn’t matter if you were completely right, saying “I told you so” is a relationship being killed slowly. No one likes being reminded they made an error, so the response, be it spoken or unspoken, is uniformly negative. The question you get to ask

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Energy is Potential

All things are energy, including your thoughts.  Your thoughts represent what you attract, and what you manifest in your life.  Question; do your thoughts support the dreams you say you have or do they work against those dreams?  Do you dream of winning the lottery, but when you go to check your numbers is your

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Suck ’em up!

No, this is not about enjoying a brew on the beach on Maui (although that sounds great.) What I want to discuss is those people in our lives who live through being emotional vampires.  I think you know the person I am speaking about; they call at all hours demanding you listen to their angst,

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To love Myself

Sure, what else are you going to expect from a guy who titles his book It’s All About Me?- but let me ask you this; do you love yourself?  Do you love yourself enough to stop being a victim of life?  Do you love yourself enough to do healthful things in your life?  Do you love

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The baggage

Feel that weight on your soul?  The overall malaise of life sucking the joy out of your day, robbing the preciousness of relationships?  Do you wonder why you feel this?  It is the baggage of your life which you have been lugging around behind you.  Every slight committed against you, every snub, lost promotion, all

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I am in a relationship

Today’s reality is that we right click on pre-selected categories:  single, married, separated, and the ever popular, “it’s complicated.” We have allowed ourselves to be defined by what are simply generalities, when in truth we, each of us, you and I, are far from generalities.  Do you understand that you and I, through the very

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