
On being humble

How best to approach a blog on being humble?  We might begin with the standard dictionary definition: A) not proud or haughty.  B) Reflecting, expressing or offered in a spirit of diffidence or submission.  To my thinking neither of these definitions reflect the broader and true meaning. To be Humble For me the true definition […]

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Keeping your promise

Keeping your promise to yourself is what making a New Years Resolution is all about. We promise to lose weight, take up exercise, quit a bad habit, that kind of stuff. If this is not a promise to ourselves, then to whom is it a promise? To make it work To be successful at a

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I see you

Connecting with people requires us to go far beyond simply seeing that there is a person in front of us.  In the movie Avatar “I see you” was the greeting the People used with each other.  Think about that; when you look at another person do you actually see them, or their appearance?   Appearances

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Explain God

How to explain God.  Theologians have been attempting to do this since the dawn of time (see my book Think, Believe, Receive) with varying degrees of success. To attempt to do so in 300 words is a fools errand.   There is no explaining God. Even the concept has sent armies to war countless times.

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We all face disappointment sooner or later.  The job we wanted goes to someone else, our children don’t behave as we would like them to, the relationship we thought would be “the one” vanishes in a cloud of acrimony.  We get used to these disappointments most of the time and move on, but sometimes disappointment

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The Doves chorus

Our stress level is perhaps the greatest factor on our physical and emotional health.  Stress not only affects us moment to moment, but its cumulative effects come back to haunt us in so many different guises; cancers, digestive disorders, failed relationships, even our job performance.  The list of “cures” for stress grows everyday, but perhaps

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Global Anonymity

We live in a time of Global Anonymity.  We are connected globally through our electronic gadgets, games and information, but no one knows who we are.  For some this seems perfect.  They just don’t want to be weighed down with interpersonal relationships, but they enjoy the thrill of being connected.  For others it only heightens

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Better to forgive than delete

Sooner or later, in all of our lives, comes the question; do I forgive this person or do I delete them from my life.  Our emotional response is often; delete, delete, delete.  Our spiritual response is; forgive. Let’s look at the delete option. When we choose to cut-ties with someone over what they have done

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Going Postal

The phrase going postal was coined at a dark time in US history when mass shootings seemed to be concentrated at Postal facilities.  The phrase refers to a syndrome related to working constantly, doing the same thing, but never getting ahead.   While I am not inclined to using a weapon of any kind, I

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Change your life?

In what ways do you dream of making a change in your life?  Is this year of 2018 going to be another year of the same-old-same-old?  When 2018 comes to its conclusion will you find yourself with the same unfulfilled dreams?  Will another list of resolutions end up on the trash pile?  Or, is this

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