Explain God

How to explain God.  Theologians have been attempting to do this since the dawn of time (see my book Think, Believe, Receive) with varying degrees of success. To attempt to do so in 300 words is a fools errand.  

There is no explaining God. Even the concept has sent armies to war countless times.   The ancient Hebrews understood this, which is why they created a word for the Ultimate Force, that could not be pronounced.  God needs no explanation, God is.  To attempt to define this Force is to limit It to human concepts.

The experience

When we use the word God it is best used to express, not an entity or a person, but a concept.  Some of us deny the existence of anything beyond earth.  Those people are in very august company.  Stephen Hawkings, for instance, was a devout atheist.  On the other hand, the framers of our Constitution, to a man, had a clear belief of God;  as an empowering force rather than a Cosmic Santa Claus who gives and withholds good at will.

I experience God in everything there is, including myself.  The experience, rather than a physical representation seems to make much more sense to me than the vision of an old man keeping a journal of who did what to whom.  That being said, I am very aware of the variety of ways humankind has portrayed this force, or at least aspects of It.  The more I travel the world and experience the wide array of relationships to the Supreme Creator, the more personal this Force becomes to me.

If you have a view of Universal Force, All That Is, or whatever term you choose to use, ask yourself “Am I limiting the Creator of the Cosmos by my beliefs?”  One of my favorite chapters in my book Think, Believe, Receive looks at just this idea.  I invite you to join in the experience of expansion.  Read TBR and see for yourself.  Clicking the cover below will take you to a sample read and the opportunity to add it to your nightstand. 

Think Believe Receive