Let’s Celebrate!

By the power vested in me by the Universe I hereby declare this day to be the day of YOU!!!!  Let’s Celebrate!!

Why do we wait around for a special occasion to celebrate?  Each and every day is a cause for celebration, heck, each and every moment is a cause for celebration!  Each moment of each day means we are alive, and because we are alive all things are possible.  Those dreams and hopes you have had…possible.  That relationship you have been seeking….possible.  That health you know you want….possible.  That income….possible because you are here and the Universe is standing right beside you saying YES!  There is nothing to wait for, just go ahead and take a moment, an hour, the entire day, and celebrate YOU.

One of the cool things about this idea is that as you celebrate you, you can also celebrate everyone around you if you choose.  You can invite others to join in celebration of today, celebrate life, celebrate possibility.  Feel free to celebrate every accomplishment you have achieved, you are worth it. 

Feel like you are in a slump?  Celebrate that this slump won’t last for too much longer and you have just gotten that much closer to it ending.  Why would you wait to celebrate something like that?  

So I say, Let’s Celebrate!  And let that celebration begin with celebrating you.  Because, after all, it IS all about YOU! 

The Involved Observer