
I see no reason

If you see no reason to give thanks, the issue is no one’s but your own. Reasons to give thanks The very fact you may be agreeing or disagreeing with this statement is a reason to give thanks.  You are a thinking, breathing, live human being.  Give thanks for that.  If your life sucks, the […]

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Living beyond instinct

Animals live almost exclusively by instinct.  They find food, protect their young and reproduce instinctually.  Isn’t it beautiful?  We, as humans however, have a much broader range of possibilities at our fingertips than simple instinct.  We can reason, compute and build.  Right now, it seems, many people are living at the basest level of life.

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Beyond the beyond

There is something your want that seems beyond you right now.  Something that you believe will make your life so much better.  What is that thing?  Is it a new car?  A new house?  A relationship that fills your heart to overflowing?  Beyond that thing is the real reason you want that thing.  In your

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It’s easy for you!

It is easy for you if you think it will be easy for you.  It is difficult for you if you think it will be difficult for you.  These are two very simple statements that will govern everything you do.  The reason they sound so simplistic is that truth does not have to come in

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But HE did….

A long time ago my parents made it very clear to me that just because someone else did something, it was no reason for me to do it too.   All too often on my newsfeed I see people pointing fingers to try to justify their own thoughtless, mean and greed-driven actions by saying others

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First: Cause

How often do we get caught up in trying to treat a symptom of something without reviewing what the cause of that symptom is?  Answer: very frequently.  We treat the symptoms of a cold, such as sniffles and coughs, but we cannot treat the cause, the cold itself, which is still beyond our understanding to

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Industry of Fear

Advertising, movies, television, politics, big pharma and insurance companies are all examples of the Industry of Fear.  Those institutions and activities which have one driving force; to scare us into doing something they want. Education, housing, science, art and social responsibility are areas which do just the opposite; they are Industries of Possibility.  No wonder

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And I Didn’t Even Know

We can take pleasure from things close to us, even certain experiences.  Take for instance the pleasure you get from seeing a child smile.  There is nothing artificial about a childs smile, so it rings in our hearts clearly.  We can recognize this reaction in ourselves, but too often we do not recognize that someone

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To Reason

Essentially there are two ways to reason; from wonder and awe (curious) or through rationality.  When we reason through wonder and awe we are like the child; open to possibility.  When we reason through rationality we often overlook the wonderful things life has to offer. Obviously there are times to stand in wonder and awe,

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Track your progress

Want to supercharge your life?  Keep track of your progress. We often loose sight of the things we have accomplished because there is no record of what we have done along the way to remind us of those accomplishments.  This lack of reminders can lead us to believe we live each day for no real

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