
The truth

When the truth, as we know it, is rocked to the core by an experience we are called to do some soul searching.  This is what happened to me yesterday as I visited the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan.  As I stood on ground zero for the first deployment of a nuclear weapon in the […]

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Independence Day!

Yep, here we are on the eve of Independence Day for our nation.  Most certainly the deeper meaning of this day will get lost somewhere between the bbq and fireworks, so let me take a moment and invite you to think about what independence means; it means to severe the ties the allow others to

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Just ahead

I am living my dream, life is so good that sometimes I feel just a tad guilty that I have all these blessings surrounding me (OK, not all that guilty!).  But what I know so clearly is that no matter how perfect today seems, no matter how fulfilling my life is today, the true realization

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Fighting against

Which approach do you think is the most effective– fighting against something, or fighting for something?  You might be surprised to discover that the most powerful position we can take is to fight for something if we have to fight at all. Let’s take a specific example; if I choose to fight against a woman’s

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Our own backyard

I have just concluded a trip which took me literally around the world.  As I traveled with my wonderful Lady I took hundreds, if not thousands of photos; photos of street scenes, buildings, trains, trees, places of worship and devotion, and more than a few of people.  I was so used to taking photos of

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Set in my ways

As I flit from country to country, town to town, hotel to hotel on this most amazing adventure I am having with my beautiful Lady, the places where I am set in my ways pop-up and surprise me time and again.  things I thought no longer mattered to me suddenly seem like huge things.  This

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The Next Step

The first step in creating the life you want is to become clear on what that life would look like.  Nothing about this step includes defining how this life will come into being. The second step is to really place yourself behind your goal; to really believe you can have what you want.  Again, exactly how

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Happy New Year!

2016.  How long will it take you to remember to use the ’16 as you write your checks and fill out paperwork?  I always get a great laugh as I watch myself adapt to the new year.  And as I wrote on Wednesday, resolutions are something which can work for us, or against us, so if

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Body Image

It’s no secret, one of the most insidious things to overcome is our own image of our bodies.  Does this seem superficial to you?  Nothing is superficial when it works right to the depths of how we feel about ourselves. As with so many of our “issues” the idea of how our body should look

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