Happy New Year!

2016.  How long will it take you to remember to use the ’16 as you write your checks and fill out paperwork?  I always get a great laugh as I watch myself adapt to the new year.  And as I wrote on Wednesday, resolutions are something which can work for us, or against us, so if you have resolutions and drop the ball, pick that ball up again and go on with life.

May I suggest a resolution which is very easy to keep?  Invite Choiceful Living Seminars to your workplace, or your school, church or civic group to help your goals become realities. Do it right now!

Keeping your goals on track is sometimes difficult because we fall back on old habits without even being aware we are doing so.  Many times all it takes is a reminder, a new thought tool, a different way of thinking to make the breakthrough we are seeking.  This is true for me, and it is true for you.  Have you achieved everything you have wished to achieve?  Then disregard this message and give me a call to help me along, I too have unachieved ambitions.

The realization of our goals can be as simple as reading the right book (see my suggestions below) or hearing what we have been thinking from a different perspective (see my thoughts above).  Choiceful Living Seminars does not promise to change your life, but we do promise to give you some tools to change your own life yourself.  Call or email us today.

And Happy New Year!

The Involved Observer                                                      Think Believe Receive