
The Promised Land

What is the promised land for you?  Is it something that comes after you leave this level of being?  Is it that beautiful house on the hill?  Perhaps you see it as being the achievement of some long sought-after goal.  Yes, these are all examples of the promised land. How to reach your promised land. […]

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The Trees

We have hoped, prayed, treated, imagined, planned and schemed to achieve something in our lives but we often wonder where the heck the manifestion of all that visualization is.  Brothers and Sisters, believe me, it is manifesting, but we are so deep in the trees of our lives we often cannot see the unfolding of

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Thoughts Create

I have written many times in these blogs that thoughts create things, thoughts create our reality, and this is still true.  This time lets take it a little deeper.  Thoughts create US.  The way we think out pictures on our bodies too. Think of someone you know who always seems to have a smile for

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Here we are on the verge of celebrating another Christmas which, joyfully, also coincides with the first night of Hanukah.  This is a season devoted to peace; world peace as well as peace within ourselves.  This is a season bedecked with images intended to help achieve peace.  We have songs, images, movies and television programs,

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Locked Doors

As our dreams grow and become reality because we have been applying the ideas in Think, Believe, Receive and It’s All About Me, we sometimes find ourself at a locked door.  We reach out and turn the knob, wiggle the door and nothing happens.  At this point we often give up on that dream or begin

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Constant and change

I recently heard some very interesting words; “The actuality of our being changes, our reality of being remains the same.” This is an concept to put into your mind and let it percolate for a while, but in the meantime let’s look at it.  As we go about our daily lives what we are doing,

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A Trickle

A drip becomes a flow, a flow becomes a creek, a creek becomes a river, a river becomes the ocean.  This is how creativity works; rarely can we step from the germ of an idea right into an ocean of reality.  There is a process to life, to expansion, to raising our consciousness, which begins

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Everything is Energy

“Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy, this is physics.” This is not something I made up, it is a quote from Albert Einstein.

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Your condition is not your reality

I do not have to define for you what your condition is, your know what your condition is.  Whatever that “condition” is called, it is not your reality.  Is your condition an illness?  Is your condition your relationship status? Is your condition related to your body shape?  No matter how you define your condition, the

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Those Lying Eyes

Some people labor under the misconception that we communicate most effectively on the visual plane, but your eyes will lie to you!  Have you ever looked at one of those hidden image posters which were so popular in the 90’s?  You could look at it for hours an see only the upper image, but if

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