A Trickle

A drip becomes a flow, a flow becomes a creek, a creek becomes a river, a river becomes the ocean.  This is how creativity works; rarely can we step from the germ of an idea right into an ocean of reality.  There is a process to life, to expansion, to raising our consciousness, which begins with the very first spark of recognition that something could be.  Along the way the process will entail twists and turns, sometimes it will even seem to double back upon itself, until it reaches the ocean of manifestation.

This is not so different than what I am celebrating today; the publication of my 300th blog for Choicefullivingseminars. First there was the idea, then the process of creation and then, as my mother would say, “stick-to-itiveness.”  That first blog from June 6,2014 was The Power of Living in the Now.  (Ironic isn’t it, to flash back to ‘living in the now!”)  Along the way we have looked at hundreds of ideas, all intended to share thoughts of how our lives could be more IN-powered.

The message here is; if you have an idea, you can manifest that idea into an ocean of potential.  Do not give up; if you have a dream it might take some work, but you can achieve that dream.  Each day you gain insight, gather tools, find talents you did not know you had, gather  support and grow into that dream.

Choiceful Living Seminars offers many workshops for your place of business, and for your individual IN-powerment may I humbly recommend both of my books; Think, Believe, Receive, and It’s All About Me.  Learn to live in the now, and take control of your life. 

Think Believe Receive                                               The Involved Observer