
The Promised Land

What is the promised land for you?  Is it something that comes after you leave this level of being?  Is it that beautiful house on the hill?  Perhaps you see it as being the achievement of some long sought-after goal.  Yes, these are all examples of the promised land. How to reach your promised land. […]

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Moment by moment

No matter how long our lifespan is, we measure the time moment by moment.  Individual grains of sand passing through a single point.  Then they are gone. forever. The analogy. Think of an old fashioned hourglass.  If we think of each breath, each experience, as one of those grains of sand passing through the glass

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Sometimes the path ends

Sometimes you are zipping through life and the path ends.   All the things that seemed to be going so well suddenly seem to be difficult.  You are think you are alone. This happens everyday. Why the path seems to end. I was walking a labyrinth today, enjoying the bliss of meditation when I came

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Beyond the beyond

There is something your want that seems beyond you right now.  Something that you believe will make your life so much better.  What is that thing?  Is it a new car?  A new house?  A relationship that fills your heart to overflowing?  Beyond that thing is the real reason you want that thing.  In your

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Expand your life

The key to expanding your life is to open yourself to broader perspectives.  Love is a greater power than you think.  You are on your path to ascension right now.  And beyond our view of this world there are so many things you might never have understood.  That is why Ashtar and Lady Ashtar are

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Just in time

No matter what you seek, it can only appear just in time.  It cannot be rushed, it cannot be forced or short-circuited.   The frustration of manifestation. Whether you pray, wish, treat or visualize a dream, goal or experience, very often it seems the answer has been no.  Many of us think prayers (in whatever

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Releasing the past

The past is a wonderful thing to study, but releasing the past helps us live a more powerful life.  We learn from the past, we do not have to keep dragging the past around on our backs like useless baggage. How the past becomes baggage Each experience we have becomes a memory.  Some memories are

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Our relationship to life

We define relationship as involvement with something or someone else. There are two kinds of people.  The first kind of person thinks there are two kinds of people.  The second kind knows there are as many kinds of people as there are people!   For the first group life must be defined as “Them or

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