
What’s Your Focus?

Once again we have been offered the opportunity to focus our attention on fear for our personal safety.  Even if we are not traveling, or planning to travel to Europe or even if we have no idea where Brussels is located.  The images we are presented are so graphic, and our hearts go out to […]

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Muck and Mire

Muck and Mire are what we call fear.  Muck and Mire are what we call gossip.  The result of blaming others for what we have or don’t have is also an example of Muck and Mire.  Just as we banished guilt the other day as having no place in our now, neither is there a place

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It brings me pain

If it brings you pain, why are you holding on to it?  “oh, i’m not holding on to it, it just is” you reply; but you are holding on to it, and you can let go of it without denying it is there,  it no longer has to cause you pain; unless you want it to.

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If I let go

What would it look like if you just let go?  Just let go of your expectations about how things should work, who should be in charge, when something is supposed to happen.  What if you let go of trying to make things happen, and instead simply get a goal in mind, then trust that the

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The Power of Touching

Study after study has shown that babies who are touched and held, especially those babies who are premature, thrive far more successfully than babies who do not get the power of human touch.  Yet as we move into our aging process we are taught to NOT touch each other.  There are inappropriate ways to touch

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What If

These two words, What If, can be our greatest supporters, or our most sadistic jailers.  If the term What If is the beginning of a train of thought which will create a new vision, open us to possibility, move us forward from a place where we are stuck, well then, you have a friend in What

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Paranoia will destroy ya

For the past few weeks it seems every newscast included some mention of a movie which was to be released on Christmas.  Sony Pictures computers were supposedly hacked; e-mails leaked, threats made, and on and on.  At first the blame was laid at the door of North Korea, prompting some people to demand retaliation.  Then

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