
Our relationship to life

We define relationship as involvement with something or someone else. There are two kinds of people.  The first kind of person thinks there are two kinds of people.  The second kind knows there are as many kinds of people as there are people!   For the first group life must be defined as “Them or […]

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But did you hear me?

We define hearing as actually listening. Most of us would consider ourselves pretty good listeners.  Unfortunately what we most often do is quite the opposite of being good listeners.  Rather than actually listen for content, we most often listen to comment.  Our partners speak, but we do not hear their message, we only hear the

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The call upward

  We plan our days, we live in the now, we take responsibility for all we do and say (or don’t do and don’t say.)  In short, we do our best to do our best.  Then something happens; we watch a movie, we hear a song, perhaps we hear a remark in passing, then suddenly

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Anger is fear turned inside out.  Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with feeling anger, until anger overtakes our well-being.  Anger has the potential of literally eating us up from the inside out.  Anger has been linked to many diseases, anti-social behavior, and self destructive actions. Anger, when properly channeled and recognized for what it

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Peace on Earth

Praying for peace on earth is a wonderful thing, but sitting in your room praying is not enough.  You see, there is already peace on earth, it is the actions of people that are not supporting peace on earth.  This is where we run into a duality of life; God, The Universe, All There Is,

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Once again I urge you to be aware of what is going on in our country today, but be easy with the events because through this seeming chaos comes change. As uncomfortable as this time might be we know we are going through a profound time of change, and change is seldom a comfortable experience.

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Reach that goal

Once you have decided what you want, once you have realized that to achieve that goal you must stop worrying about how it will be reached and begun relaxing into the perfection of the Universe to deliver what you have asked for, there may be one more thing to do; let go of you fear

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Who Am I?

The question is; how do we define ourselves?  Do we define ourselves by how many people we have charmed?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry or our responsibilities? Do we define ourselves by our jobs, our cars, our homes, our income? None of these definitions truly answer the question “Who Am I?”

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Know Thy Enemy

Who is our enemy?  Can we live without having an enemy?  What if there is no enemy at all?  Could it be that defining another person, place or thing as an enemy is simply a convoluted way of defining ourselves?  Could it be that unless we have some one or some thing to push against

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We depend upon consistency in our lives.  We crave being able to be confident that people around us will be consistent in what they are telling us, how they will react to situations as well as their viewpoints.  We build our world around these “Knowns.”  Problem is; people change their minds, people change their views,

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