Reach that goal

Once you have decided what you want, once you have realized that to achieve that goal you must stop worrying about how it will be reached and begun relaxing into the perfection of the Universe to deliver what you have asked for, there may be one more thing to do; let go of you fear of reaching that goal!

Isn’t it ironic that when we are on the verge of stepping into our dream we recoil and rather than stepping forward, we jump backwards?  For many of us there is a deep fear that if we step into our dream we will not be prepared to live that dream, we are afraid we will not know who we are, what our values will be, how to act.  Too many times we blame the Universe for not delivering what we want when it is we who have failed to accept what we asked for.

Here is a brief example: I have been saying I want to be a speaker on the world platform.  I have the training, I have the material to speak upon, I have all the tools I could ever wish to bring to have.  I am ready, yet, when I finally got through to the right people here in Japan about my material and my ability to be that International Speaker, when the stage was set for me to step into the role I believe I was born to live my first thought was: can I pull this off?  I felt a fear that I was not capable of doing what a huge part of me knows I can do.  Fortunately, I recognized that fear speaking through me, honored it for what it was, and gratefully accepted that in the next few months I will indeed be doing what I have been saying I want to do for years.

What is your fear of success?  Read Think, Believe, Receive and perhaps you will be able to step forward instead of jumping backwards.

Think Believe Receive